ADHD Policy

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD)


I. Policy

It is the policy of CCU - SHS to ensure minimal risk for ADD/ADHD controlled substance misuse and abuse by providing medication management during the regular academic school year for those students who meet the coverage criteria.

II. Purpose

This document defines the process by which the student previously appropriately diagnosed with ADD or ADHD may utilize SHS physicians and mid-levels as an extension of the student’s primary provider, for medication management during the regular academic school year (fall and spring semesters).

III. Procedure

A. A student requesting management for ADD/ADHD medication must provide medical records (A letter NOT acceptable) from their primary care provider indicating the diagnosis, medication and dosage. Records must include the last 3 months of medication coverage.

B. SHS does not diagnose ADD/ADHD, start ADD/ADHD medication or change/adjust ADD/ADHD medication or dosages. A stable prescription dosage for the last 3 consecutive refills is a prerequisite for SHS coverage. A lapse in medication coverage may contraindicate SHS medication management, and a lapse of over one year constitutes inability for SHS to medically manage this student.

***The RN, APRN staff deemed as the delegate for the physician and/or the mid-level provider will check the Drug Control Prescription Monitoring Program (Scripts) prior to patient visit to confirm prescription compliance.

C. Students must see the SHS’ physicians and/or mid-levels initially, then every 2-3 months for evaluation and follow-up. The physician will write 1-3 prescriptions, each for a 30 day supply with no refills for any controlled substances (schedule II): one prescription to be filled immediately and 1-2 "to be filled" at one and two month consecutive dates. Under no circumstances will a lost or stolen prescription be replaced.  (Note: Prescriptions are dated and good for 90 days from the date of the first prescription written in SC.)

D. At the initial visit, the Controlled Medication Contract will be reviewed with the patient and signed. The Contract will be placed into the patient’s electronic medical record.

E. If there is any indication of alteration/tampering of a medical prescription, the proper authorities will be informed and the student will no longer be eligible to receive medication management from SHS. Any indication of medication abuse or misuse may result in drug testing (at the student's expense) and/or discontinuation of medication coverage.

F. SHS’ physicians reserve the right to refuse writing medical prescriptions if a student declines to abide by this policy.