Patient Rights

Patient Rights

Privacy and Confidentiality

The specific information about your health  history and current health status contained in your health record will not be released to any unauthorized  individual without your written consent, except where  permitted/required  by law, in compliance with Privacy Standards set forth  in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

CCU Student Health Services patients have a right to:

  • Humane Care and Treatment
    All staff members and student interns in Student Health Services will treat you with respect, dignity and consideration, and without discrimination as to race, color, religion, age, sexual orientation, ability, national origin, economic status or political beliefs, and with consideration of your cultural, social and religious preferences.
  • Participate in Your Health Care and Treatment
    You are a full partner in your own health care. You have the right to complete current information necessary to make an informed decision about procedures and treatments, including the Refusal of Care and/or resolution of any conflicts about care decisions. You have the right to change providers (consult with the Director of Student Health Services).
  • Conflict Resolution
    The Director of Student Health Services and medical providers shall ensure that your questions, complaints and concerns are heard, and appropriate actions are taken to attempt to resolve the conflict. Other Student Health Services staff members may be involved in this process.
  • Know Your Health Care Providers
    The name and function of any person responsible for your care or involved with your care will be provided to you. Specific information about staff training, credentials and experience is available to you through the office of the Director of Student Health Services.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality
    All case discussions, consultations, examinations and treatments are confidential and will be conducted with discretion. The specific information about your health history and current health status contained in your health record will not be released to any unauthorized individual without your written consent, except where permitted/required by law, in compliance with Privacy Standards set forth in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  • Access
    Student Health Services has accessible entrances, doorways, restrooms and water fountains, to ensure access for all. A TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf) is available at the front desk to handle telephone calls from/to hearing impaired patients. Interpreters are available from Disability Services and other University sources to assist patients experiencing language or communication barriers.
  • Accurate Information
    You will be given complete and accurate information, to the extent known, concerning your diagnosis, treatment and the prognosis for illness, injury or any other health-related condition.
  • Security of Self and Others
    You have the right to feel safe and secure when you are in the Student Health Center. Your valuables and belongings will be protected and secure during your visit.
  • Fee Information
    You have access to information about fees for the services you receive. An itemized statement  of charges is provided to you at the end of your visit for the services you have received. The medical records staff and medical providers will address questions regarding charges and fees.
  • Participation in Research Projects
    You have the right to know if any aspect of your care is being used for research, investigational studies or clinical trials. You have the right to refuse to participate without jeopardy to your health care.
  • Pain Management
    You have the right to communicate any issues of pain or pain management with your medical provider. All concerns about pain issues will be taken seriously and addressed appropriately.
  • Advance Directive
    An advance directive refers to your oral and written instructions about your future medical care in the event you become unable to speak for yourself. Each state regulates the use of advance directives differently. These are two types of advance directives, a living will and a medical power of attorney.

CCU Student Health Services patients also have a responsibility to:

  • Communicate with Your Health Care Provider
    It is important that you provide full, honest and accurate information about your illness or problem to allow proper evaluation and treatment. Let your health care provider know if your condition worsens or if your recuperation does not follow the expected course for recovery. Let your health care provider know when you do not want a student intern present during your medical consultation.
  • Ask Questions
    Ask specific questions about your current illness or other health problem, your health care provider’s treatment recommendations and additional treatment costs.
  • Voice Your Concerns
    Your comments, complaints and ideas are valued and can be submitted in person or in writing and will be reviewed and considered by the Student Health Services staff.
  • Treat Others Courteously
    Student Health Services staff members and other patients are people, too; please treat them with the courtesy and respect they deserve.
  • Use Medications Properly
    Do not give medications prescribed for your needs to others.
  • Pay For Any Charges You Accrue
    It is your responsibility to pay for any charges you accrue.