Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Helpful Information

Does SHS accept walk-in appointments?
Walk-ins are seen on a first come first serve basis. There will be longer wait time for walk-ins.  It is strongly encouraged to have an appointment scheduled before visiting the health center.

If I need a referral to a specialist will I have  to pay for the visit?
Student Health Services will coordinate referrals to community providers; however, all charges for off campus health care and specialty services will be the student's responsibility.

Where can I get copies of my immunization history?
High school guidance counselor
- Military service records
- County health departments
- Previous colleges or universities
- Pediatrician or family physician

Is additional insurance coverage recommended?
Medical insurance coverage is recommended for all students to provide coverage for specialty, emergency, and chronic medical care. Policies can be obtained from a company of your choice, through your parents' insurance company, or through a student health insurance program offered by CCU. For more information about school-sponsored student health insurance, please contact Student Health Services or visit the webpage at

Can SHS give me an excuse if I miss class for an appointment?
CCU Student Health Services (SHS) does not issue medical excuses for missed classes except for an incapacitating illness or physical activity restrictions.

Are there fees for services at Student Health Services?
There is a nominal fee for some laboratory testing, medications and office procedures. All charges will be electronically sent to your student account (displayed as Medical Service Fees).

I was seen at another facility and need a follow up visit, can I do that at SHS?
A student can come in for follow up after being seen somewhere else; however, the student would need to arrange for the records to be sent to SHS from the other facility.

How can I obtain reimbursement from my insurance company for lab work or other in office procedures?
SHS staff will provide you with a receipt. You may submit this receipt, along with the claim form that your insurance company provides, for reimbursement.

I need a refill on a medication; will SHS do that for me?
Not all medications can be managed by SHS. For those that can be refilled, SHS requests that you provide current proof (i.e., medical records) from the previous physician or current medication bottle. You will also need to be seen by a SHS medical provider before receiving the prescription refill.

Can I get an out of state prescription filled in South Carolina?
SHS advises students and parents to contact their current pharmacy to determine if the prescription can be transferred to a South Carolina pharmacy, in close proximity to the university. If you want SHS to serve as your primary care provider away from home, please schedule an appointment/consultation with a SHS medical provider and bring the pertinent medical records or your current medication bottle.