Gynecological Services

Gynecological Services

Gynecological Exams and Contraception

After consultation, SHS can implant Nexplanon, which is a small hormone releasing implant that is over 99% effective and provides up to 3 years of continuous pregnancy prevention.

Depo Provera injections
After consultation, SHS can inject Depo Provera which is a hormonal medication that is given by injection every three months. 

Intrauterine Device (IUD)
After consultation, SHS can insert an IUD. The IUD is a plastic rod with 2 arms and a string. It is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It is about the size of a quarter. The IUD prevents pregnancy more than 99%of the time. The Progestin IUD provides up to 3 years continuous pregnancy prevention and the Copper-T IUD provides up to 12 years of continuous pregnancy prevention.

Nuva Ring
After consultation, SHS can prescribe Nuva Ring which is self-inserted vaginally once a month to slowly release a low dose of hormones in order to prevent pregnancy. 

Oral contraception
After consultation, SHS can prescribe birth control pills to females to be taken by mouth (oral) every day.

Xulane contraceptive patch
After consultation, SHS can prescribe Xulane patch which is a patch that is changed every week for three weeks, then left off for a week. It contains a low dose of hormones in order to prevent pregnancy. 

Pap smears
Pap smears are used for screening women ages 21 and older for changes of the cervix that could lead to cervical cancer. They are often taken during routine annual gynecological exams. Cells collected from the cervix are sent to a laboratory where they are checked under a microscope for  abnormalities. If Pap smears do lead to detection of precancerous cells at an early stage, these cells can be treated with great success. Precancerous cell changes usually cause no symptoms. That is why it is important to have routine Pap smears.

Yeast or bacterial infections
Vaginal yeast infection, or candidiasis, is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. Candida are organisms normally found in the vagina in small numbers. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a condition that happens when there is too much of a certain bacteria in the vagina.  This changes the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina.  Symptoms include itchiness, vaginal discharge, and an unpleasant odor.