Real-World Impact: Practical Experience in Health Administration

We understand that the journey to becoming a successful healthcare leader involves more than classroom learning. Our Health Administration program is designed to provide students with hands-on, real-life opportunities that empower them to make a meaningful impact in the healthcare industry, and these experiences are an integral part of our capstone experience.

Analyzing Disadvantaged Communities: A Capstone Project with Lasting Impact

One shining example of our program's commitment to applied learning is the work our students completed in collaboration with the Little River Medical Center in the Spring 2023 capstone course – BSHA 480.  In their capstone project, our students undertook a comprehensive analysis of the most disadvantaged communities in Horry County.  This research went beyond textbooks and theoretical discussions. It had a direct, tangible impact on healthcare delivery and community well-being. Our students leveraged their skills in data analysis, policy evaluation, and healthcare management to provide valuable insights and delivered their work the executive team at Little River Medical Center.  Click the image below to view the full report. 

Horry County's Most Disadvantaged Communities

Benefits of Real-Life Opportunities in the Capstone Experience

Our capstone projects often involve collaborating with healthcare providers, organizations, and government agencies, giving students a chance to make a real impact on the community. Capstone projects are an opportunity for students to tackle complex, real-world healthcare challenges.  In our program you will learn how to approach and solve these problems effectively while applying and enhancing the skills you’ve acquired throughout their program, making you a well-rounded and highly competent healthcare professional.

If you're passionate about healthcare and aspire to be a leader who makes a positive impact, Coastal Carolina University's Health Administration program offers real experience that equips you with the skills and experiences needed to drive change in the healthcare industry.

More Information

Stephen Borders, Ph.D.

Phone: (843) 349-6935
Health Administration Program Director
Office: Swain 145

Kristi Forbus, M.H.A.

Phone: (843) 349-4166
Health Administration Program Advisor
Office: Swain 146