Applying to Honors - Continuing Students

Applying to Honors as a Continuing Student

The HTC Honors College invites intellectually curious, creative, and motivated first- and second-year CCU students to apply for admission to the Honors Program. There are application periods in both Fall and Spring semesters.

Application to the Honors program is open to continuing students who have completed fewer than 60 credits at CCU. Applicants should have at least four semesters remaining before graduation.

Application deadlines for continuing students:

  • Spring Admission: Final deadline to apply is November 15. We will start reviewing applications on October 15; apply before then for first consideration and to be able to register for HONR classes in Spring.
  • Fall Admission: Final deadline to apply is April 15. We will start reviewing applications on March 15; apply before then for first consideration and to be able to register for HONR classes in Fall.

Honors students have access to smaller classes and early registration. While continuing CCU students are not automatically eligible for the Athenaeum Scholarship, they are eligible for other support through the Honors Program, such as funding support for Honors research, internships, and study abroad through the HTC Scholars Program. Graduation from the Honors Program requires at least a 3.50 cumulative GPA. Honors students have the option of the Honors with Distinction track, which requires 24 credits of honors coursework and a thesis, or the Non-thesis Honors track, which requires 18 credits of honors coursework.

Application for admission to the Honors Program requires

  • a 3.50 GPA,
  • an application essay, and
  • one letter of recommendation from a CCU faculty or staff member, former teacher, or member of the community.

The essay should be no longer than 300 words and should give us a holistic overview of who you are and what contributions you can make to our community. Tell us why you would be an ideal member of the HTC Honors College.

Upload your completed essay through our Honors application portal.

Your letter of recommendation man be uploaded there or emailed directly to