HTC Scholars Program

HTC Scholars Program

Funding for Honors Projects and Travel

The HTC Honors College offers students the opportunity to apply for funding to support their Honors experience, through the HTC Scholars program. The HTC Scholars program provides funding assistance for:

  • Supplies for projects in Honors courses and/or Honors thesis/capstone projects
  • Travel to conferences to present Honors research
  • Study abroad programs (semester, Maymester, or spring break)
  • Cost of living expenses for unpaid summer internships

Eligibility Requirements:

Students applying for HTC Scholars funding should be in good standing in the Honors College. Students must meet the minimum GPA requirements and be on track to finish their required number of Honors credits by graduation.

Application Procedures for the Following:

The HTC Scholars program supports funding for students who are particpating in either short-term faculty-led programs or semester-long study abroad programs. Honors students can apply and receive scholarships for up to $1000, depending on need, to help defray the costs of these programs.

  • Students interested in funding for either Short-Term or Semester-long Study Abroad programs should apply through the Center for Global Engagement, during the application process for a study abroad program.
  • The application can be found on the CCU Education Abroad Scholarships page.
  • Deadlines for Applications:
    • October 31 for travel in Spring or Maymester
    • March 31 for travel in Summer or Fall Semester


The HTC Scholars program supports travel for students to present honors-related research at external disciplinary conferences. Each Honors student is eligible to apply for support for one conference trip per academic year. 

Students interested in applying for funding for conference travel should complete this cover form and submit it along with the information below using this application.

When applying, please include the following materials in Word or (preferably) PDF formats:

  • An abstract (or description) of the accepted conference presentation, along with a detailed breakdown of the proposed travel costs and other sources of funding that are available (i.e. the department or college that is splitting the expense). We ask that departments split the cost of conference travel, except in unusual circumstances. 
  • A short written note of support from the supervising faculty member.

The form will allow you to submit up to three documents.   

Honors Program students with summer internships are eligible to apply for a scholarship to offset their room and board expenses if the internship meets the following requirements:

  • Unpaid
  • Located at another educational institution or arranged through CCU
  • Taken as a CCU internship course (0-12 credits)

This scholarship can be up to $1000 and will be applied to their CCU account during the semester of the internship. Students interested in applying for this scholarship for unpaid summer internships should submit this form and the documents below using this application.

When applying, please include the following materials in Word or (preferably) PDF formats:

  • A description of the internship and/or a copy of the offer letter
  • A detailed breakdown of what funding would go toward (e.g. cost of living expenses)

The form will allow you to submit up to three documents.   

The HTC Scholars program supports the purchase of supplies and other expenses for honors-related research, scholarly, and/or creative projects.

Students interested in applying for funding for a project should complete this cover form and submit it, along with the documentation below using this application.

When applying, please include the following materials in Word or (preferably) PDF formats:

  • A description of the project and a detailed breakdown of what the funding would go toward. Budget requests can range from less than $50 for small projects to more than $500 for projects that impact more than one Honors student. 
  • A short written note of support from the supervising faculty member.

The form will allow you to submit up to three documents.   

Application Deadlines:

Priority consideration will be given to applications received by each semester’s deadline.

For Projects and Travel in:                Deadline:
Fall semester                                       September 15
Spring Semester                                  February 15
Summer                                               May 1

Post-Award Report:

After the project or travel, HTC Scholars are required to write a short reflective report about their experience and submit it to the Honors College office.
