

HCAC Policies

Main Policies

  • The Horry County Archives Center (HCAC) is open during Kimbel Library hours.
  • No food or drinks are allowed in the HCAC.
  • All materials must remain within the HCAC.
  • No materials should be re-shelved. Please leave the materials on one of the tables or on the book cart.
  • Some of these books are fragile, please handle with care. Report any vandalism or abuse of materials immediately to a librarian.
  • Do not mark in or on the materials in any way.
  • Microfilm readers must be handled with care. Instructions for their use can be found on the tables on which the readers are located. For help with the readers please ask a reference librarian.
  • After using microfilm rolls, please leave the rolls on top of the microfilm storage cabinet. Do not put the rolls back in the cabinet.
  • Requests for exceptions to these regulations must be made in advance to the HCAC director.
  • Subject matter to be collected includes:
    • Selected works on the natural history, geology or geography of the region.
    • Native American history of south-eastern North America.
    • Early European settlement history of South Carolina.
    • Gullah or Geechee heritage of South Carolina.
    • Works by native authors on historical subject matter.
    • Local family genealogies which are documented and bound.
    • Military histories associated with the region.
    • Selected biographies of individuals who have influenced the region.
    • Fictional books are not accepted.

Further Policy Information

The HCAC includes primary source materials such as printed books, manuscripts and related materials. Manuscripts, letters, papers or other documents are bound, boxed or inserted in acid-free portfolios. Some books include early imprints (most before 1900) and limited editions (usually of 500 copies or less). Non-print media, such as recorded oral histories and documentary films specific to the region are also collected. General materials on South Carolina and Southern history or culture may be included if regional content is of historical value or uniquely reflective of regional culture.

The collection does not include contemporary or readily available material, juvenile materials excepting those of historical value, or works of fiction.

The HCAC does not serve as a repository for rare or scarce books that have fine printings, bindings or illustrations. Because of the expense, the library does not actively collect these materials, but their acquisition in the form of gifts or donations is accepted under the guidelines of the library's Gift Policy and Materials Selection Policy. Such materials are packed for acid-free storage and may be housed with the Collection until such time as a University Archives and Special Collections is established and such materials can be considered as beneficial to the University.

Download HCAC Policy (PDF)

Revised 17 Dec 2013