Undergraduate Scholarship for Dependents of CCU Employees

The University takes great pride in being able to provide financial assistance to dependents of CCU employees for the pursuit of an undergraduate degree. This program is sponsored by the Coastal Educational Foundation.

Total Scholarship Value

The value of the undergraduate dependent scholarship will not exceed $2,500 per semester. The award amount total will not exceed $20,000 or $2,500 per semester for eight semesters. Scholarships will be awarded after the application of all other eligible awards.

The dependent child/spouse scholarship program does not pay for expenses incurred or required by courses such as textbooks, field trips, laboratory fees, distance learning fees, business major fees, etc.

The total of all financial aid, including institutional aid, may not exceed a student’s annual cost of tuition as determined by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Sponsoring Employee Eligibility Requirements

Dependent children and spouses (see definitions, below) of faculty and staff members who are employed at least thirty hours per week in slotted, time-limited, research grant or temporary grant positions are eligible for this scholarship. In addition, the sponsoring staff or faculty member must have completed at least 12 months of continuous service.

In the event of death or retirement of the sponsoring employee during the dependent child’s senior year of high school, the dependent child may participate in this scholarship program, provided all other eligibility requirements are met.

An enrolled dependent student (child/spouse) may continue in the scholarship program in the event of the death or retirement of the sponsoring employee.

Dependent children must be defined as such based on the South Carolina Public Employee Benefit Authority (PEBA); a subscriber’s natural child, adopted child, stepchild, foster child, a child for whom the subscriber has legal custody or a child the subscriber is required to cover due to a court order. The child may not be over the age of 25.

Spouses are defined by South Carolina law, excluding former spouses. Common law marriages are excluded.

The dependency of these relationships must be proven by the presentation of birth certificates, adoption decrees, marriage certificates, tax forms (with financial figures redacted), or other official documents citing the relation between the sponsoring employee and the dependent/spouse.

The scholarship will not be granted to otherwise eligible dependent children/spouses if the sponsoring employee leaves University employment (regardless of the reason for separation except for retirement or death) before class(es) start.

The scholarship will not be granted to otherwise eligible dependent children/spouses for any future academic term if the sponsoring employee (faculty member) receives the notification of non-reappointment.

If the sponsoring employee leaves University employment during the academic term in which dependent children/spouses have been granted this scholarship, the dependent will not be eligible for the scholarship for future terms.

Academic Requirements

Qualified dependents and/or spouses must meet University standards for satisfactory academic progress toward the recipient’s program of study, maintain a continuing GPA of at least 3.0, and successfully complete at least 30 credit hours annually. Eligible dependents must be reenrolled in a degree-seeking program.

  • New First-Year Students – High School GPA of at least 3.0
  • Continuing Students – CCU GPA of at least 3.0
  • Transfer Students – Collegiate GPA of at least 3.0

Enrollment Requirements

Qualified dependent children and/or spouses must be admitted as students by CCU and must be enrolled full-time (12 or more hours) during the Fall or Spring semester for which they are applying for the scholarship.

Scholarships will end if and when the dependent student does not attend CCU for one semester (not including Maymester, Summer I, or Summer II). Readmits are not eligible for the program.

The qualified dependent child/spouse is only eligible for the scholarship for Maymester or for a summer term if they were a full-time student at CCU in the spring semester prior to May or summer enrollment.

In the event the student withdraws from all classes during the term, the waiver may be reduced pursuant to the University refund policy.

Application Process

After the dependent child/spouse is registered in an undergraduate, degree-seeking program at CCU, the Request for Undergraduate Scholarship for Dependents of CCU Employees form should be completed and sent to HR or emailed to ccubenefits@coastal.edu. The form is available on the University Forms page.

A form must be completed and submitted each semester that the scholarship is requested.

Please note that dependent children must apply for this program within ten days of being admitted or eligible to enroll for any academic term.

Other information

The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships reserves the right to adjust or cancel an award at any time due to changes in the recipient’s enrollment, academic status, or upon learning of any irregularities in the recipient’s initial or ongoing eligibility.

The dependent child/spouse scholarship will only be granted if all program requirements are met. The Coastal Educational Foundation (CEF) reserves the right to terminate the program or the dependent child/spouse awarded at any time if deemed appropriate.

This page is intended to provide general information. It is not a contract and may be updated or modified in whole or in part by the University at its sole discretion. Employees are encouraged to review the prevailing policy or other source documents (e.g., faculty manual, PEBA materials, regulations, etc.).