Staff Compression Study



Frequently Asked Questions

Will all staff employees receive an increase as a result of the study?
No. Only employees whose salary is compressed and meets eligibility requirements will receive an increase.

Will the study determine if an employee’s duties are commensurate with pay, title and or classification?
The study will focus on the nature of the position based on the current position description on file as well as the other factors described in this presentation. 

What positions will be included in the study?
FTE Staff positions hired prior to September 1, 2022. The study does not include research grant, time-limited, temporary staff, athletics positions under contract, faculty positions, or President’s Cabinet members.

Can my supervisor request a change in my classification or compensation at this time?
No new base salary change transactions will be considered until after the outcome of the study is implemented.

If I receive an increase as a result of the study, will I still be eligible for other types of increases in the future (e.g. additional duties or reclassification)?
This study would not preclude you from receiving other kinds of compensation actions in the future, if appropriate, not to exceed the maximum of the pay band.

Why didn’t I receive an increase?
Assuming you met all eligibility requirements, this would mean that your current salary meets or exceeds your market target or your current salary is at the maximum of the pay band.

Will the study eliminate salary compression? 
A specific budget was allocated for this staff salary compression study.  This action will make a significant impact in reducing salary compression but it will not eliminate it.  Additional future funding would have to be granted to make further progress in this area. 

When will the staff salary study be implemented?
For bi-weekly employees, the increase will go into effect on November 13, 2022. The first payment will be paid on December 9, 2022.

For semi-monthly employees, the increase will go into effect on November 16, 2022.  The first payment will be paid on December 15, 2022.

Where can I find my staff compression letter?
MyCCU -> Employee Pay Resources card (available by November 11, 2022).

What are the plan limits?
The plan will be funded up to the 75th percentile depending on relevant experience with a cap of a 15% increase amount. 

What if my position is at or near the maximum of the pay band?   
Staff compression study increase amounts cannot place an employee’s salary above the maximum of the state pay band.

What can an employee do if they are at the maximum of their pay band?
Employees can apply for advertised positions that are in a pay band higher than the one they are currently in, or they can take on significantly higher duties in their current role that may warrant a reclassification to a new pay band.

Are the results of the study a reflection of my performance?
No, performance was not a factor in the staff study.  The study only addressed salary compression.

Where can I find my Position Description (PD)?
Employees have access to the PD in PeopleAdmin. HR provides User Guides for PeopleAdmin on its website (HREO->Current Employees>PeopleAdmin). 

If I received a compression increase last year, did that make me ineligible for another increase this year?   
No, last year’s adjustment did not make you ineligible this time.

If I moved into a new role during the year, did that make me ineligible?
No, a move from one role to another did not make you ineligible.

Why does CCU use CUPA and CompAnalyst for market surveys?
Both survey providers are highly reputable and widely used in the higher education community.

Can I see how many years of experience CCU has on file for me?
We do not provide the exact experience calculation we have on file for employees.  However, it is based on all relevant jobs that were listed on your application materials you submitted during the search process.  If you have additional, relevant work experience that was not listed on your application and/or resume you are more than welcome to submit a revised resume.  It will not change the results of this year’s compression study, but we will update our records for future studies. Revised resumes need to include month/day/year (to the best you can) for the start and end of each job, average hours per week, and job functions performed.

How is past work experience and education calculated?
The most recent job application and/or resume on file for each classified employee is evaluated to determine if past work experience is relevant to the employee’s current position. Work experience that is not relevant is excluded.  If an employee only served in a part-time capacity for a particular job, then the total number of months for that job must be prorated.  The only education that is relevant and one level higher than what the current position requires is factored into the compression equation.

How is the market survey source match made compared to the position description?
HR compares the title and description of the market survey source to the current position description on file for the employee.

If an employee disagrees with the increase amount can the employee talk to HR?
It is advised that employees review their position description with their supervisor to see if changes need to be made for future studies.

Can an employee see their individual calculations?
Employers in general and specifically CCU do not share the details of how employee salaries are set, however, we have provided the overall methodology that was used for this salary study. Setting salaries is an administrative function and is done with great care. We can share that the appropriateness of your current salary was determined through a neutral review of your particular position, duties and education, and experience. The review was based on your current position description and the years of experience and education HR has on file for you.