Hybrid Remote/Flexible Work Schedule

Hybrid Remote/Flexible Work Schedule

The hybrid remote/flexible work schedule is a combination of both options. Eligible employees may work the allotted one day remotely with any combination of flexible work schedule for the remainder of the work week.

Eligibility Guidelines

The employee must:

  • Occupy an eligible job classification or position with duties considered appropriate for remote work
  • Completed at least 12 months of service at CCU (Coastal Carolina University) in an FTE (Full Time Equivalent) position
  • Not have been issued a Notice of Substandard Performance or disciplinary action in the last 12 months

A self-assessment tool, included in the application, will reveal whether the employee has the requisite qualities and skills conducive to working remotely (to be confirmed by supervisor).  Suitability for remote work must also consider the nature of the position and the functions performed in the department.  

Finally, the employee must have a reliable internet service with an appropriate alternate workspace (internet service will not be provided by the University).

Please note that participation in this program is a privilege and can be revoked at any time, for any reason, without prior notification.  


Employees are highly encouraged to discuss their desired remote work plan with their supervisors BEFORE making any formal requests in the system. Eligible employees can submit an application here if they wish to be considered for the program. 

Employees who have previous remote work arrangements on file that were part of the pilot program and would like to continue in the program, must complete a new remote work application online. 

The application includes an assessment that the employee and supervisor must complete to assist with analyzing the appropriateness for telecommuting for the employee and their position. The form also includes acknowledgment of policy requirements and a safety checklist that must be completed by the requesting employee and certified by the supervisor. The form will then be routed through the employee’s administrative channel to the appropriate President’s Cabinet member (or VP designee) for final approval. 


All employees and their supervisors who were approved for remote work must complete the “Mandatory Training Remote Work and Flex Schedule Training” module prior to applying for program. This course can be accessed here.

Productivity and Performance

Per DSHR policy, a remote work productivity tracking form must be completed each week that the employee works remotely. Employees approved for the remote work will receive guidance on how to access and fill out the form. Completing this form will help supervisors and department heads evaluate activities and productivity while working remotely to ensure department needs are being met. Human Resources (HR) will periodically audit these activities forms to ensure they are completed. Failure to complete the form may lead to revoking the agreement.

Incidents That May Revoke Agreement

The agreement states, “I agree and understand that remote work or flexible schedule is a management option, not a universal employee benefit; the decision to allow remote/flex work is solely at the discretion of the University; it may be revoked at any time for any reason and is not a grievable action.”

Reasons to revoke the agreement include, but are not limited to, the following:

·         Engaged in unauthorized personal activities during work hours
·         Does not complete the weekly activity log
·         Decline in productivity or missed deadlines
·         Do not report to office location when requested to do so
·         Unavailable or unresponsive to phone calls, texts, video calls, urgent emails, etc.
·         Performing childcare or dependent care at remote location during scheduled work time
·         Conduct face-to-face University business at remote work location
·         Does not immediately report work related injury
·         Any violation of the checklist
·         Any other incident that erodes trust.

Employees are highly encouraged to discuss their desired remote work/flexible schedule with their supervisor BEFORE making any formal requests in the system. Employees interested in a remote work/flexible schedule must submit an application here.

Employees who have previous remote work arrangements on file that were part of the pilot program and would like to continue in the program, must complete a new remote work application online.