Remote/Flex work FAQ

Remote/Flexible Schedule Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I change my remote day in a particular week? Yes, with supervisory approval.

Can I change my designated remote work day if I am required to work in the office on the day
that I would normally work remotely? Yes, with supervisory approval.

Can I permanently change my designated remote or flex day schedule once it is approved?
Yes, you will have to submit a new application.

Can a supervisor mandate an employee who is regularly scheduled to work remotely on
certain days to report to the office instead? Yes. The employee is expected to report to work
on campus as mandated by the supervisor, regardless of reason.

Should an employee incorporate a meal period into their proposed remote work and/or
flexible work schedule? Yes. Employees are expected to include a meal period of at least 30
minutes in their proposed schedule.

What if I don’t currently have the equipment to work remotely? It will be up to the
department to determine if they have the inventory or budget to supply equipment. The
applicant should document what equipment is needed on the application form.

Am I required to work remotely if CCU is closed due to severe weather – even if it is a day
that I would normally report to the office? Yes, the state requires the employee to work
remotely in such an instance.

How do I have my office extension ring to my personal phone when working from home?
Segra Unify allows you to use a campus telephone extension through your computer or mobile
device remotely from off-campus via the internet. It is available to approved remote employees

How do I connect to the VPN? Contact ITS at x5000 to have the VPN installed on your