Resources and Events

As a growing initiative within the College, the Digital Commons for Arts and Humanities brings together faculty and students doing innovative, critically-informed digital work from across the CCU campus.

2015-16 Seminars

Oct. 15, 2015: The Critical Digital: Digital Creation Beyond PowerPoint (Dr. Jen Boyle and Dr. Sue Bergeron) 

The first half of this experiential workshop will offer a few examples from across the humanities and arts of the most compelling and creative uses of digital technologies, pedagogy, publishing, and curation.  The emphasis will be on busting the myth of the “digital humanities turn” —  often characterized in terms of “big data” and massive archives  — to explore smaller scale and accessible digital work. We will also discuss the suitability of digital creation to more traditional humanities and arts disciplinary scholarship, teaching, and production. The second half of the workshop will allow for some hands-on experimentation with accessible digital tools.


February 18, 2016: Scalar: a user-friendly platform for digital scholarship and research  

Dr. Christian Smith (English: composition studies, rhetorical theory, and digital rhetoric) will talk about his initial process for exploring the open access and user-friendly platform, Scalar. Scalar is a free resource for translating scholarship, writing and research into accessible and flexible digital publications. Scalar, a project of The Alliance for Networking Visual Culture, provides for “born-digital, open source, media-rich scholarly publishing that’s as easy as blogging.”  Check out the platform and example projects here: <>.



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