
As an English major, you can study literature, film, and other media both in English and in translation in our Literature and Culture or English Studies concentration.

Degree Type

Bachelor of Arts



Focus Areas

Composition, Rhetorics, and Linguistics

Creative Writing

Literature and Culture


Contact Info

Jen Boyle

Chair, English

EHFA 223



Why CCU for English?

The English major covers multiple areas in the humanities and digital humanities. As an English major, you can study literature, film, and other media both in English and in translation in our Literature and Culture or English Studies concentration. You can produce new creative works of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in our Creative Writing concentration or minor. You can study language and writing as acts of social power with global impact, and connected to our most vital histories, you can create and design documents for professional and public audiences, and you can analyze the workings of language through the science of linguistics in our Composition, Rhetorics, and Linguistics concentration.

Studying English at CCU

Kelsey Crough talking about English major
Kelsey Crough

Meet a Major

Tabitha Lowery 2022 (760) Added 9/27/22 MCD
Tabitha Lowery, Assistant Professor

Meet a Faculty Member


Where English Can Take You

Sophia Edens 2022 BA English (added 6/13/24) MCD

Through the Department of English, I secured an enriching office role that sharpened my organizational and communication skills while immersing me in academia. This enabled close collaborations with esteemed professors, expanding my network and deepening my literary understanding. Coastal Carolina provides diverse opportunities which amplified my academic growth, and endowed me with a versatile skill set, positioning me for a promising future.

-Sophia Edens
BA English, 2022

Molly Johnson 2021 English BA/MA (added 6/13/24) MCD

Without the amazing faculty in the English Department and my experiences instructing classes in graduate school. I gained so much knowledge in composition, pedagogy, literature, and creative writing that prepared me for real-world application in the classroom and in my personal endeavors.

-Molly Johnson
BA, English and MA, Writing, 2021 

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