Studio Art

Art Studio

Learn to harness complex techniques and use them to communicate your ideas to the world at large.

The Bachelor of Arts in Art Studio will allow you to explore a dynamic curriculum targeted at creating a professional ready for the modern economy. This degree is focused on producing creatives with flexible, career-ready skillsets with a comprehensive understanding of visual communication.

By pursuing the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Art, you will be immersed in a conceptually driven program and holistic practice. This degree focuses on the mastery of diverse technical skills, the development of dynamic visual communication across multiple media, and an understanding of contemporary art practices.


You can apply to have a BFA in Visual Art in your second year as an Art Studio major, or you can continue your BA degree.

Where Visual Art/Art Studio Can Take You

The BA in Art Studio and BFA in Visual Art prepare you for a creative career by mastering mechanical skills, developing dynamic visual communication across multiple media, and understanding contemporary art practices. Our award-winning and professionally-engaged faculty will guide you to be the best practicing artist you can be.

The Department of Visual Arts is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD).

Ariana Sellers Visual Arts Alum (added 10/21/19) JPEG

When you’re here, especially if you study the arts, all the professors have a huge impact on you. Not only do you receive valuable input within your courses, but feedback is also provided from faculty throughout the department.

-Ariana Sellers, Art Studio, 2016
Art Education, 2017

“I learned about the depth of skill in the faculty, and how tightknit the community is, which is so unique among other colleges. The community really helps you grow.”

-Drew Smith, Graphic Design, 2018
Creative Director, Human

Visual Art at Coastal

With a low student-faculty ratio and small hands-on courses, applied learning is at the core of our program. Our faculty are committed to preparing students for the creative economy through a hands-on, conceptually rigorous curriculum.

Meet a Major:
Jessica Conolly
Studio Art

Charles Clary 2023 (added 2/23/23) MCD

Meet a Faculty Member
Charles Clary
Associate Professor and Foundations Coordinator, Visual Art






Coastal has numerous innovative and well-equipped art labs to help you sharpen a wide range of skills: from a bronze foundry to ceramics to a fabrication lab.

Ceramics Studio

Drawing and Painting Studios

Art Studio Sculputre Studio

Sculpture Studio

Photography Student with film negatives in the photography studio.

Photography Darkroom

Popular Courses in Studio and Visual Art

ARTS 281: Jewelry and Metalsmithing

Instructor: Logan Woodle, MFA

This course serves as an introduction to the field of conceptual metalsmithing. Students learn to fabricate and forge metal while exploring their ideas of permanence, identity, and society.

ARTS 261: Darkroom Photography I

Instructor: Dave Johnson, MFA

This course establishes black-and-white photography as a creative medium for self-expression. Students learn traditional analog photography processes, including using a 35mm SLR film camera, film development, and darkroom printing methods. Coursework is designed to allow students to engage with the medium's history and digest contemporary artistic responses. Navigating photography's formal elements, developing visual language, and promoting sound technical ability is an emphasis for all assignments.

Major Requirements  »
BA in Art Studio
Major Requirements  »
BFA in Visual Arts
Minor Requirements  »
Art Studio for Non-Majors
Minor Requirements  »
Art Studio for Graphic Design Majors

Popular Certificates and Minors



Program Contact

Logan Woodle (added 9/24/19) MCD 760x760

Logan Woodle
Chair, Visual Art
EHFA 270

Follow the Program