Music Education

Music is a fundamental part of the human experience. It improves individual well-being and creates a shared experience for all within our global community.

The Music Education program prepares you to be an artistic, confident, and successful teacher in Kindergarten through Grade 12 music programs. In order to guide you toward becoming a music educator, our comprehensive music education curriculum allows you to explore and study the world of music through a combination of classroom experiences and high-quality performance opportunities. This degree program guides you toward completing the requirements for licensure as a music educator in the public schools of South Carolina. Coastal Carolina University is proud that this professional course of study has a high percentage of graduates successfully placed in music teaching positions in South Carolina.


Music is one of a handful of programs that offers scholarships to talented incoming students. 

Where Music Education Can Take You

Whether you want to pursue a career in education, commercial music, or performance, or combine the study of music with another major, you will find our extensive alumni network already making change in your targeted field.

“I am forever grateful for the Coastal Carolina Department of Music and the wealth of experience that it provided me. The faculty and staff were always so supportive, and they demonstrated for me what it means to be a quality musician while also teaching me how to be a good person along the way.”

-TJ Anderson
MM in Conducting, Appalachian State University
current DMA student at University of Texas

“Attending Coastal as a music major was an amazing experience. Not only did I meet amazing people and have an amazing voice teacher, but I learned so much about my instrument and how to use it. I also learned so much about myself, my work ethic, and my performance. To this day when I have something to do that I’m really nervous about, I always remind myself of the times Coastal pushed me out of my comfort zone, and I remember that I can do anything. It really has given me tools to help me navigate this industry confidently.”

-Naomi Schulman
Professional Singer and Recording Artist, New York City

Music Education at Coastal

With a low student-faculty ratio and small discussion-based classes, students are at the core of our program. Through individualized attention and career guidance, our faculty are committed to student success in the classroom and beyond.

Meet a Major:
Alondra Johnson
Commercial and Jazz Music

Eric Schultz Duel (Added 2/8/2021) MCD

Meet a Faculty Member
Eric Schultz, DMA
Assistant Professor and Grammy Quarterfinalist


Popular Courses in Music Education

MUED 200: Mid-Program Review

All music education students participate in the Mid-Program Review at the end of the sophomore year. During this course, students meet with faculty to assess their skill level in theoretical and performance areas. It’s an opportunity for students to share what they have learned while studying music education at Coastal Carolina University.

EDMU 479: Internship in Music Education

This culminating experience in the Teacher Education Program is comprised of a supervised teaching experience in Music Education at either the elementary, middle or secondary level. The internship’s purpose is to transfer theory of the teacher preparation program into experiences in a real classroom and school environment. Students apply content and pedagogical knowledge and skills in the classroom setting under the close supervision of an experienced cooperating teacher and university supervisor. This is the capstone experience for all music education majors.

Facilities and Research

Complimentary Minors

Program Contact

Jeffery Jones 760 (Added 9/28/20) MCD

Jeff Jones
Chair, Music
EHFA 151

Follow the Program

Steinway Campus 2 (Added 8/24/2022) MCD