The Chanticleer brings home gold, silver, bronze, and a scholarship

CCU’s Chanticleer newspaper won big at this year’s red-carpet event.

A group of student journalists, designers, and advertising representatives attended the South Carolina Press Association (SCPA) Collegiate Meeting and Awards ceremony last weekend, coming home with 6 awards in a range of areas for Chanticleer coverage in 2022. In addition, one CCU student was awarded the statewide 2023 SCPA Mundy Scholarship.

  • The Chanticleer won third place in the General Excellence category

  • Sarah Jackson won first place in Advertisement for a Student Health Services ad

  • Megan Wallace and Madison Sharrock won second place in News Reporting for “Housing Hiccups as Enrollment Increases”

  • Jacob Bashura, Sarah Jackson, and Tiera Rivers won second place in Page One Design for a homecoming special issue titled “Ride the Wave”

  • Jacob Hensley won second place in Video for a news video about a student protest

  • Tiera Rivers won third place in Specialty Page Design for a graphic about CCU’s arboretum

  • Madison Sharrock won the Mundy Scholarship

    While The Chanticleer has won individual awards in the past, this year’s event marks thefirst time a CCU student has won the Mundy Scholarship and the first time on record The Chanticleer has won a general excellence award.

    Wendy Weinhold, associate professor in the Department of Communication, Media, and Culture, became faculty adviser for The Chanticleer in spring 2021, when the newspaper resumed publication after the Covid pandemic. Weinhold noted that the awards reflect newspapers published between December 2021 and 2022, under three different editors-in-chief, and that CCU bested much larger universities with long histories of established newspapers and journalism programs, including the University of South Carolina, Clemson University, and College of Charleston, in several of the categories.

     “These students have shown a tremendous amount of resilience and responsibility,” said Weinhold. “Doing the work of being a campus newspaper reporter, particularly at Coastal, which doesn’t have a journalism degree [a major is being established in Fall 2023], the resources, or the history that many of our competitors have, is an extraordinary challenge.”

   Sharrock began working at The Chanticleer in spring 2022 and became assistant editor for the 2022-23 academic year. She works 20 hours a week editing, mentoring reporters, planning issues with the executive staff, and meeting the truck that has driven from Charleston when it arrives on campus around midnight to deliver The Chanticleer each week. Sharrock was shocked and delighted to learn that she had been named the SCPA 2023 Mundy Scholar, which will include her biography and photograph on the organization’s website.

    “It’s an honor not only to represent the university, but also to represent myself, where I come from, and the hard work I’ve put into academia since middle school,” said Sharrock.

    In addition to the students who won awards, two other students attended the SCPA awards event: Shelby Ankiewicz ‘22, who was editor-in-chief in 2021-22, and senior Joshua Carroll, current editor-in-chief. Carrol joined the Chanticleer as a reporter in October 2021, moved to the role of culture desk editor, and then stepped into the editor-in-chief role in January 2023. He hopes the SCPA awards will encourage more students to contribute their talents to The Chanticleer.

    “I first went to a Chanticleer meeting when I was a freshman, but I got cold feet, and I vanished,” said Carroll. “I hope other students will feel confident that they don’t have to be stars to work on the Chanticleer, but that can just use the talents they have. I think about, say, Jacob [Hensley]’s award for a video that he shot with just a simple camera; it wasn’t anything fancy or expensive. It’s about working with what you’ve got. I hope we’re setting an example for peers who might think, ‘Those students were able to achieve something. I might be able to as well.’”

    Weinhold is happy that her work and the work of the students has yielded rewards across the spectrum of journalism.

“I am really most proud that they have shown comprehensive work across all the elements for which the newspaper can serve as a learning laboratory,” said Weinhold. “The awards we won in the past were exclusively for reporting, and it’s been my priority as faculty advisor to not just think about reporting and newspaper as something that we do in news writing, but something that we do across all spectrums of the newspaper. I’m really proud of the students for the awards they’ve won that showcase their hard work.”

    The Chanticleer newspaper is available in print and digital versions. Visit to read the digital newspaper.