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The GLAM program seeks to encourage, prepare, and empower first-year international students by connecting them with faculty, staff, and student mentors.

What is GLAM?

  • Global Ambassadors and Mentors (GLAM) is a program that encourages, prepares, and empowers incoming students by linking them to successful student, peer role models as well as faculty and staff mentors!

  • The mentors will help, guide and orient students with the university and all its services, while explaining the challenges they might face within their academic program/being a first-year student.

  • Mentors also check in with the students, at minimum, every 2 weeks. They check on thier mentees at key times of the semester such as at the beginning of the semester and near midterms and finals. Their emails can include group lunch meeting opportunities, motivational/inspirational quotes, one on one meetings, etc.

  • Not only do the mentors do all the above, but they also provide students information on:

    • Support services
    • Getting around campus
    • University life
    • Connecting with other new students, forming study groups, lunch meetings, etc.
    • Effective study tips/strategies to handle their class subjects

How does it work?

  • Faculty, staff and student mentors are people that have a genuine interst in helping new students.  Student mentors should have all first-year courses completed.  
  • Mentors are asked to provide information such as name, preferred contact information, major or research area, hobbies, and interests. This information is available to incoming and new international students to gain some knowledge about their potential mentors.
  • There will provide an opportunity for mentors to connect with new students at each new international student orientation. During the semester, new students can access information about potential mentors as well.
  • We ask mentors to attend a training/preperatory meeting before each semester. We also ask mentors to be available during orientation in the week prior to each semester.

Sign up to be a mentor!

Questions about GLAM should be sent to

Live with students from all over the world! Join the Intercultural Experience Community!

If you are interested in learning about other cultures, this is your place to live! The Intercultural Experience Community (IEC) is a residential community where two American and two international students live together and share their culture with one another. It is located in Low Country 208 and currently consists of 32 students in eight apartments.

The IEC is more than just a residential community; it is first and foremost a big family, where doors are always open. Besides the official meetings, which take place every three weeks, the members spend lots of time together. When you come to one of the apartments in the IEC during the evening, you most likely find some members having dinner together, watching a movie, playing board or video games.

During the IEC meetings, members get to know each other, share their cultures, and plan activities.  The IEC meetings sometimes include a potluck.  People prepare a dish that is typical for where they live and they nring it to share. Don’t be afraid if cooking is not one of your strengths, there are plenty of people to help you! You will love to be able to try so many different kinds of food. The meetings also include activities that focus on developing intercultural skills and learning about each other’s cultures.

Besides the regular meetings, we also plan trips throughout the semester. The IEC works closely with the International Club. In the past, members were able to go to places such as Charleston, Savannah, Cherokee and Atlanta. There are also local trips and activities such as going to a living history farm or to a BBQ at the beach.

The Intercultural Experience Community gives you the opportunity to develop lifelong friendships with students from all around the world. It is like your own study abroad program without actually going abroad. You will be able to get a better understanding of and adaptation to cultural diversity and intercultural communication. Interacting with people from all around the world on a daily basis will help broaden your worldview.

You are encouraged to use your individual skills and interests to help the IEC move forward. The IEC has different committees such as recruitment, marketing and memory keeping, which have a major influence on the development of the community. All of the members help in one of these committees and use their strengths to make the IEC a great experience for everyone!

There are information sessions each semester during which you will learn about the IEC and the application process. The recruitment of new members happens in the beginning of the previous semester. To join the IEC in fall semester, applications are due in February/March, and for spring semester they are due in September/October. To apply to live in the IEC, choose IEC in the Special Interest Housing section of the housing application and answer the questions in the application

For more information, email

The main goal of the International Club is to make everybody feel welcome, allow students to meet new friends, and expand their knowledge about surrounding areas.  We gather regularly, and we also organize some exciting events for the weekend.  The club attends dinners, organizes events, assists with one longer trip for each semester.  Because members are of such diverse backgrounds, everyday we learn something new about different cultures without having to attend a lecture.  It is a fun way to broaden your horizons, and to meet new fun loving people everyday.

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