IT Service Catalog

IT Service Catalog

The Office of Information Technology Services (ITS) is pleased to present the first Information Technology (IT) Service Catalog at CCU published May 2021. The IT Service Catalog serves as a new way to access information and resources regarding IT services and to complement the existing ITS website.

How to Access the IT Service Catalog
The IT Service Catalog is accessible to current faculty and staff only. Visit the ITS website and choose IT Service Catalog. Or, access the IT Service Catalog directly.  

What is an IT Service Catalog?
The catalog provides an organized collection of IT services that are available to the CCU community. The catalog offers one location to access information about IT services and descriptions, how to request services/support, and who is (are) the IT service owner(s). Services may include additional associated information.

While the catalog is currently not an extensive or all-inclusive list, ITS will continually add services and include associated resources and support information.

Why an IT Service Catalog?
You may be familiar with IT services at CCU, however it may be helpful to refer to the catalog to access IT services more quickly and learn who is responsible for specific systems or services at CCU. The service catalog was developed to:

  • Provide one central source of information about IT services in a standard format.
  • Enhance the understanding of what ITS provides.
  • Provide a regularly updated catalog for ITS services which are accurate, current, and contains timely information about new and changing services.

How does the IT Service Catalog Work?
The web-based service catalog is broken up by categories, and then into services. It was designed as an easy way for faculty and staff to navigate the inventory of services. Each service includes a brief description of what is provided, how to request service (if applicable), and who is responsible as the service owner. Each service may also include links to additional information, policies, and more.

Features Available beginning May 18, 2021

  • Catalog search box feature
  • List of the top five IT services accessed in the catalog 
  • Access to the Systems Status page from any location in the catalog

How do I provide feedback?
ITS welcomes your input as we plan continued enhancements. To ask questions or provide feedback, faculty and staff may send an email to The feedback will be reviewed by the ITS Administration and Resource Management team and other IT team members, where applicable. The goal is to help make the IT Service Catalog a useful and valuable resource tool for faculty and staff at CCU.