Inventory Procedures

Fixed Asset Inventory Procedures

For New Purchases

When a new computer, printer, projector or other technology-related fixed asset is received: 

  • Submit an Online Service Request to set up the new equipment. An ITS staff member will be assigned to assist you.
  • Please do not open the box; the ITS staff member will make sure that the order is complete, as well as ensure that the equipment is securely configured and will efficiently function on university networks.
  • The ITS staff member will complete and return the Inventory Control Sheet that accompanies new purchases of fixed asset equipment to Central Receiving. A copy of the Inventory Control Sheet will be provided to the designated department representative upon request.
  • Naming standards for technology equipment is designed to facilitate technology and fixed asset inventory management. Host names of computers, printers, projectors or other technology-related fixed assets are not to be altered without prior ITS approval.

For Departmental Transfer or Office Relocation

To transfer a computer, printer, projector or other technology-related fixed asset to a new University department or location:

  • Submit an Online Service Request describing the requested transfer or relocation of equipment. An ITS staff member will be assigned to assist you. The ITS staff member will certify that all data is removed from computers, printers, copiers or any technology capable of storing data, in accordance with the SC CIO Hardware Sanitization Policy, prior to any interdepartmental transfer.
  • The ITS staff member will complete and return the Inter-Department Computer Transfer or Location Move form to Central Receiving as well as the appropriate sending and receiving departments.
  • Central Receiving will complete the inventory transfer immediately unless they are notified of non-acceptance.

For Transfer to Surplus Inventory

To transfer a computer, printer, projector or other technology-related fixed asset to surplus inventory (campus warehouse):

  • Submit an Online Service Request describing the requested transfer of equipment to surplus inventory. An ITS staff member will be assigned to assist you.
  • The ITS staff member assigned to the request will certify that all data is removed from computers, printers, copiers or any technology capable of storing data, in accordance with the SC CIO Hardware Sanitization Policy, prior to transfer to surplus inventory.
  • The ITS staff member will complete the Surplus Computers Data Removal Certification form and attach a copy to each piece of surplus equipment.
  • The ITS staff member will complete and return the Inter-Department Computer Transfer or Location Move form to Central Receiving as well as the appropriate sending department.
  • Central Receiving will schedule a pick up time for the item and will complete the inventory transfer.


  • Outside of the above procedures, if an item leaves the assigned area for any reason, documentation of such move should be made including signatures from the receiver and/or mover of the item. 
  • In the event that the steward of a fixed asset inventory item leaves the employ of the University, it is the responsibility of the assigned department to assure and document the item’s return to the University. Non-returned items must be reported accordingly. 
  • Central Receiving (843-349-2148) should be notified of all inter-department movement of items.

For information about technology purchases for faculty and staff, visit Technology Purchases.