Network Storage

ITS for Faculty and Staff

Network Storage: T Drive

Faculty and staff have access to network data storage space that can be utilized for storing, collaboration and sharing of documents and files via the “T” network drive. Log in access to the T drive is automatic once an employee is hired and their computer has been added to “coastal” domain.

Advantages to using network drives
  • Backup – Hardware redundancy and the periodic backups of network servers keep data safe and recoverable.
  • Security – Network servers are more hardened against potential security breaches than desktop or portable computers, or mobile devices.
  • Accessibility – Files on network drives can be accessed from any computer connected to the University administrative network, including those connected remotely by Virtual Private Network (VPN).
  • Collaboration – Share files from a single source instead of via multiple portable storage devices or email.

The T Drive is where departmental and public file folders are available. Access to departmental folders is limited to the members of the respective department. Access to public folders is determined by the folder’s purpose and function.

Network drives are to be used only for the storage of files utilized for University business. The storage of personal (non-University related) data is not permitted.

Other options for storing or sharing University files include the Microsoft Office 365 app OneDrive or CCUCloud.