Public and Private Meetings

Creating Public, Private Zoom Meetings

Tips for Public Meetings

  • Generate a unique meeting ID for each meeting. Avoid using your Personal Meeting ID.
  • Utilize co-hosts:
    • If multiple presenters are required,
    • To help moderate the chat, or
    • Help manage mute or kick participants when necessary.
  • Disable participant screen sharing.
  • Enable the waiting room.
  • Mute participants on entry.
  • Do not allow participants to unmute themselves.
  • Disable annotations for participants.
    Zoom Meeting Settings screen image
  • Allow participants to chat only with the host.
    Zoom Chat Settings Screen image
  • Keep the participants tab open to review and moderate as necessary.

Many of these settings may be on by default, but it is always good to double check each meeting before the meeting officially starts.

Tips for Private Meetings

  • When creating a new meeting, establish a password for the meeting or enable a waiting room for the meeting.
  • In your Zoom settings, there is a default setting enabled that embeds the password in the meeting URL for your invited attendees. If you do not deactivate this setting then do not share this URL publicly or anyone with access to the URL will be able to join your meeting.
    Zoom Default Embed URL Setting
  • Utilize any of the tips above for public meetings depending on your audience and level of trust for all participants.