Apply to be a Jackson Scholar

The Jackson Scholar Program admits students through a competitive application process that offers students from across the university the chance to gain experience with leadership, ethics, and to learn more about their own values In academic year 2024-2025, we will recruit Jackson Scholars in the Spring 2024 semester. Recruitment for Jackson Scholars will be based upon nominations by faculty and staff for students. These nominations are due by no later than February 11th.

For more information about the program, please read The Jackson Scholar Handbook 2023 - 2025.

There are five parts required to apply for the Jackson Scholar Program:

1. Get nominated by a CCU Professor or Staff member. 

2. Complete the application form  

3. Answer the questions from the "Written Statement"

4. Provide a sample of your written work 

5. Upload an official copy of your unofficial transcripts 

The Application

Fill out the Jackson Scholar Application completely. When finished, save the file with your name (LastFirst) and Application (ex: SmithJohn_Application.pdf). Please make certain to save your application as a .pdf file. 

If you encounter any issues, please email the Assistant Director of The Jackson Family Center for Ethics & Values at

The Written Statement 

In a statement of not more than 750 words, please address the following:

  1. Who do you admire and why? Tell us one person whose character, achievements, or life story you admire. What about them do you find so impressive? (If possible, avoid the most obvious candidates: your Mom and Dad)
  2. Please share personal examples of both a success and a failure in upholding one of your values.
  3. What is the biggest ethical issue facing our society? What do you think it will take to make progress on this issue, and how can you personally make a difference?

Double space your written statement and use Times New Roman 12 point font. Save the file as your name (LastFirst) and Statement. The file should be in .pdf format (ex: SmithJohn_Statement.pdf).

Writing Sample

Submit a sample of your written work of which you are proud. It can be on any topic, from any class and of any length, but it should showcase your ability to communicate your thoughts on paper. This can include a research paper or a piece of creative writing.

Save the file as your name (LastFirst) and Sample. The file should be in .pdf format (ex: SmithJohn_Sample.pdf). 

The Transcript

Go to Self-Service and log into your student account. Under “Academics” in the main menu, click on “Unofficial Transcript.” You can also go to WebAdvisor and select “View your Unofficial Transcript” underneath Academic Profile. When you are emailing your application, save it as a .pdf file and include it with your application email. Your transcript file should follow the same naming structure as the other parts of the application format (“Doe Jane– Transcript.pdf ”)


Submit your application, written response, and unofficial transcripts to the Assistant Director Johann Thorne at You should receive a confirmation email within 24 hours if sent on Monday-Friday that your documents have been received. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact Johann Thorne again or email the Director Dr. Julinna Oxley at

Deadline to Apply: March 8, 2024