Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl

Each year the Jackson Center fields up to two teams to participate in the Ethics Bowl. The Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl is a widely recognized and awarded team competition that combines the excitement and fun of a competitive tournament with an innovative approach to education in practical and professional ethics for undergraduate students.

In advance of the competition, all participants receive a set of 15 case studies, each of which raises a contemporary issue in practical and/or professional ethics. The case studies cover a diverse range of topics including: the morality of buying looted middle-Eastern artifacts, that would otherwise face the threat of destruction by ISIS; the costs and benefits of conservation efforts for endangered bird species; taxing those who choose not to vaccinate their children against common diseases; and censoring misogyny in the computer gaming community. Other cases cover difficult issues in medical, legal, social and political ethics.

The teams prepare their analysis of the case studies, and objections to various positions that might be taken on it. During the competition itself, a moderator poses a question based on one case study, one team presents their position and then fields critical commentaries from the other team, and responds to judge's questions. Performance on presentations is scored on deliberative thoughtfulness, clarity, thoroughness and awareness of contrary viewpoints; while the debate potion is scored on the accuracy of objections, the ability to respond directly and respectfully to valid counter-claims.

The Jackson Center has fielded teams, and has been improving from our initial showing:

2022 Team

Nicolette Hare

Rebekah Miles

Maxwell Pate

Adonya Pertell

2020 Team

Jelani Boyd

Jacob Culp

Alexis "Buddy" Funes

Maraget Shoop

Lucken Wilson 

2019 Team

Sarah Bartholemew

Elody Bensch

Luciano Castro

Alexis Clark

Sara Iwanicki

Jordan Maxwell

Meghan Music

2018 Team

Anaiya Moore

Cameron Carroll

Lauren Palazuelos

2017 Team

Kaitlyn Dallis

Krystina Millar

James Martin

Emily Thibeault

2016 Team

Shadaisha Hamilton 

Timothy Hellaby

Yaicha Ocampo

Carlie Todd

Nicholas Smith

2015 Team 1

Darcy Barr

Julietta Marks

Latrez Chestnut

Merwan Luck 

Thea McInnis

2015 Team 2

Kira Elton

Austin Nicols 

Ashlie Pilotti

Kaitlyn Powalie

2014 Team

Darcy Barr 

Korina Koci

Julietta Marks