The program, which spans four semesters, combines a structured academic curriculum with leadership experience.

As members of the Jackson Scholar Program, students are to enroll in one class with their fellow members each semester. The following are the classes that Jackson Scholars are required to take each semester:

First Semester

Philosophy 102: Introduction to Ethics 

This course introduces students to the three main areas of philosophical ethics, meta-ethics, normative ethics and applied ethics. Students will explore meta-ethical issues such as ethical subjectivism and objectivism, moral skepticism, free will and responsibility; major normative theories such as consequentialism and deontology; and applied ethical issues such as animal rights, war, and cloning. The overarching goal will be for students to develop the skills necessary for thinking, writing, and speaking about ethical theories and problems while acquiring a basic understanding of these theories and problems.

Second Semester

Philosophy 311: Ethical Theory (or another upper-division course in applied or theoretical ethics)

(Writing Intensive) A study of moral principles and the basic concepts underlying these principles such as good, evil, right, wrong, justice, value, duty and obligation. Using original course readings from both classical and contemporary moral philosophy, this course develops an understanding of the philosophical foundations of various ethical theories.

Third Semester

Philosophy 305 Q: Contemporary Moral Issues

This course helps students to apply what they learn in PHIL 102 to real world problems. Built into the course objectives and learning outcomes is preparation for the Regional Ethics Bowl. 

Fourth Semester

Philosophy 399: Ethics of Leadership

This course is designed to provide Jackson Scholars with the ethical theories of leadership as well as the opportunity to apply their knowledge through an internship or shadowing opportunity with a leader on Coastal Carolina's campus or in the community. 

Leadership Opportunities: 

In addition to the academic curriculum, Jackson Scholars are afforded the opportunity to participate in various academic conferences, leadership opportunities, and networking opportunities through out their time in the program. The conferences and leadership opportunities include, but are not limited to:

South Carolina Society for Philosophy (SCSP) 
After-School Ethics and Leadership Academy
Service on multiple councils on campus (Deans Advisory council, Academic Integrity Board, Student Government Association)