University Counsel Frequently Asked Questions

  • These questions are not intended as legal advice.
  • If you need legal advice on behalf of the institution, contact the Office of University Counsel
  • University Counsel
    Singleton Building Suite 224
    642 Century Circle
    Conway, SC 29526
  • 843-349-4101

Following are the questions most frequently asked by faculty and staff regarding legal issues (click on the question to go directly to the response):

Who does University Counsel represent?

University Counsel represents Coastal Carolina University, the entity, as well as individuals acting in their scope of employment within the University. University Counsel has not only a direct report, but a first report to the South Carolina Attorney General's Office.

Do I have attorney-client privilege when I speak or communicate with University Counsel?

No. Because University Counsel is dedicated to the University as a whole, communications from individual employees to University Counsel may be disclosed to: other administrators on a need-to-know basis, outside counsel retained to represent or advise the University, or the South Carolina Attorney General's Office.

If someone offers me a discount or gift because I'm a state or CCU employee, can I accept it? What should I do?

All public employees, public officeholders, and public members are expected to adhere to and follow the Rules of Conduct as outlined in the Ethics Reform Act. Anyone who is found violating these rules is subject to a complaint being filed with the State Ethics Commission. Please see the following link for the full statute (See S.C. Code Ann. §8-13-700):

If you are offered a discount or gift, initially, please contact Human Resources to verify the vendor is a registered vendor who may offer the discount or gift. If you have any additional questions concerning any gifts of value, please contact University Counsel prior to acceptance of the gift.  

Report an ethics violation anonymously to Coastal Carolina University » (select "File a Report" from horizontal menu)

If an ethics complaint is filed with or an advisory opinion is requested from the State Ethics Commission, University Counsel may not be able to respond to the ethical questions posed until University Counsel receives the opinion or is in receipt of the answered complaint.

I have a contract, a price quote with terms and conditions, a memorandum of understanding, a license agreement, or any other agreement that needs to be signed, what are my next steps?

The President of Coastal Carolina University, or his designee, are the ONLY persons authorized to execute contracts or any other binding agreement on behalf of the University.

University Counsel has designed a standard operating flowchart for submitting binding documents for University Counsel approval and for Presidential signature. University Counsel is committed to ensuring that each document is received and returned to the initiating faculty or staff member efficiently and professionally. View the Contract Flow Chart »

I have been served with a legal document such as a subpoena, a notice or threat of a lawsuit, a claim, proceeding, investigation, or contract dispute, who do I contact?

Please contact University Counsel as soon as possible upon receipt of these documents at 843-349-4101.

What is FOIA and what do I do if I receive a FOIA request?

The South Carolina Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides access to certain public records to South Carolina citizens upon request (See SC Code Ann. Section 30-4-15). Coastal Carolina University reserves the right to deny requests for information from those who are not citizens of South Carolina. 

If you receive a FOIA request, please have the requestor complete a Freedom of Information Act Request (PDF) and forward both the FOIA request and the request form to:

FOIA Officer
Coastal Carolina University
P.O. Box 261954
Conway, SC 29526-6054 (email)
843-349-2927 (fax)

What is Title IX?

It is the policy of Coastal Carolina University to prohibit discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sex or veteran's status in regard to the administration of all campus programs, services and activities including intercollegiate athletics, and the admission of students, employment actions, or other sponsored activities.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and certain other federal and state laws prohibit discrimination on these bases in education programs and activities operated by Coastal Carolina University. Coastal Carolina University complies with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1681, et seq., and subsequent regulations, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in all programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Coastal Carolina University receives such assistance and complies with this law and its implementation of regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106.

For questions about Title IX or to make a report, please contact:

Office of Protected Rights and Title IX

What is FERPA?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major, honors and awards, and dates of attendance.

For more information, please visit Student Privacy 101: Student Privacy at the U.S Department of Education » 

What is Title VII?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, provides that it is unlawful discriminatory practice for an employer, because of the sex of any person, to discharge without just cause, to refuse to hire, or otherwise discriminate against any person with respect to any matter directly or indirectly related to employment. Thus, Coastal Carolina University prohibits sexual harassment of employees.

To report a possible violation of Title VII, please contact:

Office of Protected Rights and Title IX

What happens if a University mark or logo is used without permission or a license?

Coastal Carolina University intends to protect its name, marks, and symbols from unauthorized or inappropriate use. When an individual and/or organization is producing or distributing products that infringe our trademarks, the University or its agent will contact them to attempt to stop the infringement, to establish a license, and to notify them of potential legal action should they fail to cooperate.

The University claims as its trademarks any design, symbol, logo, art, word or words associated with or directly referring to the University. The University has legal trademarks for the following, among others:

  • University seal
  • Coastal Carolina University name and logo
  • Letter combination CCU
  • University athletic logo and athletic team marks
  • Words Chant, Chants, Chanticleer, Chanticleers
  • Campus symbol and the word Atheneum
  • Feel the Teal
  • CINO (Coastal Is Number One)
  • CHANT411

Additionally, University Marketing and Communication maintains a list of manufacturers licensed by the University to produce Coastal Carolina University merchandise. Campus organizations that need help locating licensed manufacturers of particular products should contact the Office of University Marketing and Communication.

For questions about University logos, trademarks and licenses, please contact University Marketing and Communication at 843-349-2102 or 843-349-2809.

These questions are not intended as legal advice. If you need legal advice on behalf of the institution, please contact the Office of University Counsel at 843-349-4101.