Tobacco-Free Campus

Coastal Carolina University is Tobacco/Vape-Free 

Tobacco-free campuses are a growing trend among colleges and universities across the nation and in South Carolina. CCU leaders chose to proactively make the move to provide ample time to implement the change, rather than being forced to react quickly if it becomes a mandate.

In keeping with the University’s mission to “develop students who are…prepared to be productive, responsible, healthy citizens with a global perspective,” CCU leaders decided that becoming a tobacco/vape-free campus would be highly beneficial. By choosing to transition now, CCU can take the most humane approach, communicating the change to the campus community while putting in place support programs to assist those who wish to quit smoking.

In December 2013, Coastal Carolina University’s Board of Trustees approved the Tobacco/Vape-Free Policy, which prohibits the use of all forms of tobacco and smoke-related products, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, water pipes (hookahs), bidis, kreteks, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigarettes and other devices allowing for the ingestion, combustion, inhalation or other use of tobacco. 

This policy went into effect on Aug. 1, 2014 and was revised in 2017.

Click to view the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy.

No tobacco, smoking or vaping permitted on or in buildings, campus, grounds or parking lots