Faculty and Staff Wellness

The Wellness Coalition advises the campus-wide LiveWell initiative and works collaboratively to foster wellness among students, faculty and staff at Coastal Carolina University.  Members of the Wellness Coalition include Aramark, Campus Life and Student Engagement, Career Services, Chaplain Council, Counseling Services, Faculty, Human Resources, Intercultural and Inclusion Student Services, LiveWell Office, Accessibility and Disability Office, Students, Student Health Services, Student Success Center, Sustain Coastal, University Communication, University Housing and University Recreation.

Coastal faculty and staff may have different fitness and wellness needs than students. Improving your own personal wellness is important. Here are some quick tips to get you started.

farmers market

Eat Well

There are multiple healthy options to be found on campus. Save money and take advantage of the meal plan. You may find a beautiful spot on campus to pack a lunch with healthy options.  

Add fitness to your routine

University Recreation facilities (The Williams-Brice Physical Education Center, swimming pool, and HTC Recreation Center) are for the use and enjoyment of recreational activities for students, faculty and staff. Find ways to become active doing something you enjoy.

Two minutes of chair yoga - stretching and breathing - can increase your fitness and focus. Go ahead and close your office door and give these a try.

Aerial photo of Campus showing Blanton Park and Singleton Building

Utilize your Employee Benefits and Discounts

Eligible employees of Coastal Carolina University may participate in a variety of State of South Carolina, as well as University-specific, benefits. Take advantage of discounts offered to CCU faculty and staff by local businesses. Become familiar with these additional resources offered. 

Attend Courses Offered by Training, Development and Service Excellence

The department of Training, Development and Service Excellence offer training to enhance your learning, as well as your personal and professional growth.   

Attend Faculty Sessions Offered by CeTEAL (Center for Teaching Excellence to Advance Learning)

CeTEAL (Center for Teaching Excellence to Advance Learning) is here to provide professional development for faculty throughout their career related to teaching, research and service.    

Trade your smoke break

Coastal is a tobacco/vape-free campus. Help yourself kick the habit and trade out your smoke breaks for a walk around Chanticleer Drive.

Check back in with LiveWell@CCU throughout the year for tips on how to improve your wellness.