
M.A. Communication


Students take 33 credits of diverse, flexible curriculum preparing them to lead and/or advocate for others in a variety of settings. Students gain an understanding of theoretical approaches in the field of communication, develop research skills, create and critique messages in a variety of interpersonal and mediated contexts, and explore principles of ethical responsibility. The program prepares students to succeed in professional positions involving leadership and advocacy in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations or for continued study in a Ph.D. program.

In addition, the program offers special topics courses in areas such as communication in health contexts, persuasion, creating communication campaigns, and the effects of and uses for media messages.

Foundation (9 credits)
• COMM 500 - Foundations of the Communication Discipline - (3 credits)
• COMM 575 - Communication Theory - (3 credits)
• COMM 576 - Graduate Communication Research - (3 credits)

Courses in Social Change and Leadership (12 credits)
• COMM 501 - Communication Leadership - (3 credits)
• COMM 502 - Communication Activism - (3 credits)
• COMM 519 - Communication & Media Campaigns - (3 credits)
• COMM 530 - Communication Across Differences - (3 credits)

Choose any two courses (6 credits)
• COMM 509 - Public Relations - (3 credits)
• COMM 511 - Communication in Health Contexts - (3 credits)
• COMM 531 - Communicating with Diverse and Targeted Audiences - (3 credits)
• COMM 540 - Media Uses and Effects - (3 credits)
• COMM 560 - Persuasion - (3 credits)
• Any additional COMM elective at the 500, 600 or 700 level

Capstone (6 credits)
• COMM 691 - Applied Communication Capstone - (1-6 credits)


Dr. Linsay M. Cramer
Graduate Coordinator
Brittain Hall 305 | 843-349-4151 |