
Major in Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics Major

Mathematics is more than just numbers and symbols: it is a field in which computation, pattern recognition, modeling, and proof are tools that are used to help make sense of the world. Students will take a variety of both theoretical and applied mathematics courses in order to hone these analytical techniques. A degree in applied mathematics will equip students with extensive quantitative skills as well as the critical thinking and problem-solving abilities needed to explore interdisciplinary connections between mathematics and fields like business and the sciences.

For more information about the applied mathematics major, click here

The Student Experience

  • Students have the opportunity to align their degrees with their career goals by choosing specialized electives, allowing them to be better prepared for jobs in business, industry, education, or other fields. 
  • All students take a capstone course in which they are paired with a faculty member to tackle a mathematical research project. Past students have presented their work in the form of talks and posters at both regional and national conferences. 
  • Employment opportunities are available for students to serve as graders for introductory courses or tutors in the Mathematics Learning Center – which serves as valuable experience for students who are interested in teaching. 
  • Students participate in extracurricular activities like competing in Math Jeopardy, preparing for the Putnam math contest, and joining the Pi Mu Epsilon mathematics honor society.

Beyond the Classroom

Mathematics is frequently ranked as one of the top 10 highest-earning college degrees, and careers in mathematics often dominate the top of career satisfaction studies. Mathematics majors are well-suited for graduate study and/or for careers as teachers, engineers, analysts, actuaries, statisticians, technical writers, programmers, cryptanalysts, bankers, underwriters, cost estimators, and many others. A business or science major that minors in mathematics or statistics will have a competitive advantage in the job market and/or on graduate school applications.

Areas of Study

Students have the opportunity to study topics that are fundamental to the discipline, such as analysis, algebra, geometry, and topology. Students can also focus on more computational and applied topics such as statistics, differential equations, numerical analysis, financial mathematics, and cryptography.


Keshav Jagannathan, Ph.D.
Professor, Department Chair
Smith Science 218P

Colleen Meitzler
Administrative Assistant
Smith Science 218O