Major in Statistics

The Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics at Coastal Carolina University seeks to provide students with a solid foundation in all aspects of statistical analysis; including programming, data analysis, and oral and written communication. A more traditional program in statistics consists of a balance between theory and application. Along with the more traditional attributes, the degree will blend together with statistical methods and programming and communication skills that are necessary for today's job market.

The degree program requires all students to take core courses, coursework that delivers a strong foundation in Mathematics and Statistics, and major coursework that exposes students to advanced statistical methods and programming.

Statistics Major Course Map

Example Four-Year Plan

Year 1

  • Fall: STAT 201 (3) and STAT 201L (1)
  • Spring: STAT 3XX (3)

Year 2

  • Fall: STAT 316 (3)
  • Spring: STAT 320 (3), STAT 3XX (3)

Year 3

  • Fall: STAT 412 (3), STAT 321 (3)
  • Spring: STAT 413 (3), STAT 390 (2), STAT 3XX/4XX (3)

Year 4

  • Fall: STAT 4XX (3), MATH 490 (1), STAT 3XX/4XX (3)
  • Spring: STAT 3XX (3), STAT 3XX/4XX (3)


  • STAT 201 Elementary Statistics Fall, Spring, Summer
  • STAT 201L Elementary Statistics Laboratory Fall, Spring, Summer
  • STAT 315 Regression Analysis Fall (even years)
  • STAT 316 Experimental Design I Fall
  • STAT 317 Nonparametric Statistical Methods Fall (odd years)
  • STAT 318 Applied Statistical Methods Spring
  • STAT 319 Categorical Data Analysis Spring (odd years)
  • STAT 320 Experimental Design II Spring
  • STAT 321 SAS Basics Fall (odd years)
  • STAT 323 Survey and Sampling Design Spring (even years)
  • STAT 390 Case Studies in Statistics Spring (odd years)
  • STAT 412 Statistical Inference I Fall
  • STAT 413 Statistical Inference II Spring (odd years)
  • STAT 414 Time Series Analysis Spring (odd years)
  • STAT 415 Bayesian Methods Fall (even years)
  • STAT 420 Statistical Computing Spring (even years)
Statistics Major Four-Year Plan (PDF) 
Click here to view our course catalog.

Keshav Jagannathan, Ph.D.
Professor, Department Chair
Smith Science 218P

Jennifer Sparkes
Administrative Specialist
Smith Science 218O