Statistics Minor Course Map

Minor in Statistics

Year One

  • STAT 201 (3 credits)
  • STAT 201L (1 credit)
  • STAT 318 (3 credits)

Year Two

  • STAT 316 (3 credits)
  • STAT 3XX/4XX (3 credits)
  • STAT 320 (3 credits)
  • STAT 3XX/4XX (3 credits)  

Course Information

  • STAT 201: Elementary Statistics (Fall, Spring, and Summer)
  • STAT 201L: Elementary Statistics Laboratory (Fall, Spring, and Summer)
  • STAT 315: Regression Analysis (Fall, even years) 
  • STAT 316: Experimental Design I (Fall)
  • STAT 317: Nonparametric Statistical Methods (Fall, odd years)
  • STAT 318: Applied Statistical Methods (Spring)
  • STAT 319: Categorical Data Analysis (Spring, odd years)
  • STAT 320: Experimental Design II (Spring)
  • STAT 321: SAS Basics (Fall, odd years)
  • STAT 323: Survey and Sampling Design (Spring, even years)
  • STAT 412: Statistical Inference I (Fall)
  • STAT 413: Statistical Inference II (Spring, odd years)
  • STAT 414: Time Series Analysis (Spring, odd years)
  • STAT 415: Bayesian Methods (Fall, even years)
  • STAT 420: Statistical Computing (Spring, even years)

Note: STAT 3XX and STAT 4XX denote respectively any 300 and 400-level course. Please look at the course information above for the semesters in which the various courses are offered.