Explore MAW

The M.A. in Writing program offers courses in creative writing, composition, editing and publishing, professional writing, literature, and linguistics. Some students focus on creative writing generally (and on a specific genre like fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction), while other students build a concentration in composition and rhetoric or editing and publishing. Still others assemble a course of study across several different fields of writing. Though many of our students are aspiring creative writers and composition instructors, the program is relevant for K-12 teachers, business professionals, and anyone that desires to improve their written communication skills and analytical ability.

Course of Study

The M.A. in Writing requires 33 graduate credit hours.

CORE COURSES (6 credit hours)

Choose two of these:

  • ENGL 602: Principles of Editing and Publishing
  • ENGL 603: Special Topics in Forms of Creative Writing
  • ENGL 604: Composition and Rhetoric
  • ENGL 605: Composition Pedagogy (Required of all graduate assistants)

(9 credit hours)

Choose three of these:

  • ENGL 652: Graduate Writing Workshop, Fiction
  • ENGL 655: Graduate Writing Workshop, Creative Nonfiction
  • ENGL 658: Graduate Writing Workshop, Poetry
  • ENGL 663: Graduate Writing Workshop, Short Novel
  • ENGL 681: Workshop in Professional and Technical Writing
  • ENGL 682: Workshop in Composition and Rhetoric
  • ENGL 683: Writing and Editing Internship

(6 credit hours)

Choose two of these:

  • ENGL 628: Topics in British Literature
  • ENGL 635: Topics in American Literature
  • ENGL 653: Topics in Linguistics
  • ENGL 691: Topics in World Literature

(9 credit hours)

Choose three courses from an array of writing workshops, independent study sections, a course in literary journal editing, or the Master’s Thesis class. With MAW Director permission, students may take up to six credit hours outside the English Department.

(3 credit hours)

ENGL 699: Master’s Portfolio Workshop

For more information on the program, please follow the link.