
The Master of Sport Management degree requires 36 graduate credit hours. As this degree seeks to provide a broad range of skills and experiences, the curriculum is divided into core coursework, elective coursework and a capstone experience.

Required Graduate Degree Credit Hours (36 Graduate Credit Hours)

CORE COURSES (24 credit hours)

  • SPT 501 The Sport Industry (3)
  • SPT 510 Governance and Policy in Sport (3)
  • SPT 515 Legal Issues in the Sport Industry (3)
  • SPT 530 Leadership Theory and Application in Sport Settings (3)
  • SPT 550 Facility Management and Sport Venue Operations (3)
  • SPT 560 Understanding Sport Fan Behavior (3)
  • SPT 565 Revenue Generation and Fiscal Management in Sport (3)
  • SPT 580 Research Methods in Sport (3)
  • SPT 515 Legal Issues in the Sport Industry (3)

ELECTIVES (6-9 credit hours)

Students may take elective hours that align with their career goal as approved by their advisors. These courses are not limited to graduate classes in sport management and can come from a variety of areas including graduate classes in business, education, and humanities as appropriate.

CAPSTONE (3-6 credit hours)

  • SPT 590 Graduate Internship (3-6 credit hours)
  • SPT 599 Research Thesis (3-6 credit hours)


* Students who have a degree in Sport or Recreation Management or have multiple years of experience in the field may be able to may waive SPT 501 as approved by the admission committee.
** Electives must be 500 level courses, align with career path and be approved by Advisor.