
Lifelong Learning offers perspectives on religion

June 21, 2006

Coastal Carolina University's Lifelong Learning is offering lectures on religion at the Waccamaw Higher Education Center in Litchfield on Mondays, 1 to 3 p.m., and on the main campus in Conway on Tuesdays, 1 to 3 p.m., starting next week. Each is $10. For more information, course schedules, or to register, call 349-4030 or 349-4001, or visit the Web site at

Natural Explanations for 'Supernatural' Phenomena: Despite the absence of logical reasons or credible evidence to support the existence of so-called "supernatural� or "paranormal� powers - such as extrasensory perception, magic, miracles and spiritualism - many people believe in one or more of those phenomena. Reid Johnson, educator and psychologist, will sample some of the more common perfectly natural causes for such beliefs and "supernatural� effects. Waccamaw Center on July 10; Conway on July 11.

Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls: What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? How were they discovered? What was the history leading up to their writing and who wrote them? What is their importance to us today? Norm Whiteley answers these and other questions in this comprehensive examination of one of the most important archeological discoveries of the 20th century. Learn from the scrolls about the religious sect called the Essenes, their beliefs about an impending apocalypse and the disastrous path that led to their annihilation. Waccamaw Center on July 17; Conway on July 18.

Coastal's main campus is located off U.S. 501 in Conway; most Lifelong Learning classes are held in University Hall (where the bookstore is located). The Waccamaw Higher Education Center is located at 160 Willbrook Blvd., west of the Hampton Inn off U.S. 17 in Litchfield.