
Coastal plans for alumni house and presidential residence

July 18, 2006

Coastal Carolina University's board of trustees unanimously voted to reserve Atheneum Hall for future use as an alumni house at its quarterly meeting July 14. Completed in 1966, Athenuem Hall was originally the student center for Coastal Carolina Junior College. The campus symbol, the Atheneum, stands on the portico of the building.

The board also endorsed the concept of planning for a presidential residence on the campus. The Campus Master Plan, competed in 2004, indicates a presidential residence to be located on the Quail Creek side of University Boulevard.

In other action, two former members of the board of trustees who were members of the original board that began meeting on July 1, 1993, were named trustees emeriti. Cathy Harvin and Hank Barnette were each recognized for their 12 years of service to the board.

The South Carolina General Assembly passed legislation to establish Coastal Carolina University as an independent, public institution, effective July 1, 1993. The 16-member board of trustees oversees the effective governance of the university; defines the mission, role and scope of the university; establishes the general policies of the university; approves the budget; and provides accountability to the public and the General Assembly.

The board also received an update on the Presidential Search Advisory Committee, which is working with the external search firm Greenwood and Associates to conduct a national search to replace current President Ronald R. Ingle, who will retire in 2007. The committee will conduct interviews for the position in late fall and early 2007 in order to have a new president in place by July 1, 2007.