
Coach Bennett hosts 'Ladies Night Out' to teach football

August 11, 2008

Coastal Carolina University's football program is sponsoring "Ladies Night Out: A Gridiron for Girls Clinic" on Wednesday, Aug. 20 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. to explain the basics of the game for the beginning fan. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. The session will be held in the Kline Hospitality Suite at Brooks Stadium.

Head Coach David Bennett, the Chanticleer coaching staff and officials from the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) will lead the clinic on America's favorite pastime.

Refreshments and light fare will be served. Sign up early as space is limited to the first 100 registrants.

For more information or tickets, call Melinda Hyman at 349-3428. All proceeds benefit Chanticleer football.