

April 19, 2001

Twenty Coastal Carolina University students presented scholarly papers at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) held recently at the University of Kentucky. Students and faculty from more than 400 colleges and universities in the United States participated in the conference, an annual event designed to enrich undergraduate teaching and learning by giving students firsthand experience in the process of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Conference presenters are selected on the basis of abstracts of their research submitted four months in advance of the conference.

The following Coastal students gave presentations:

• Stacey Allen, a senior health promotions major of Conway, presented “Cigarette Smoking Knowledge Among Freshman College Students”; • Brad Blythe, a senior marine science major of Homer, N.Y., presented “Heterogeneous Genomic Diversity in the Epiphytic Orchid Epidendrum Conopseum”; • Kevin Godwin, a senior chemistry major of Conway, presented “Silver-Gold Alloy Colloidal Metal Films for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering”; • Karen Hammond, a junior health promotions major of Myrtle Beach, presented “Examining the Feasibility of Online versus Mail Surveys”; • Jessica Hausman, a senior marine science major of Blairstown, N.J., presented “Analysis of Coastal Oceanic Chlorophyll Concentrations Off the South Carolina Coast in Response to Episodic Runoff Events”; • Rouada Hilal, a senior health promotions major of Myrtle Beach, presented “Promoting HIV/AIDS Awareness Among College Students: A School-Based Intervention Program”; • Angela Hines, a sophomore marine science major of Canton, Ohio, presented “A Study of the Dynamics of Selected Southeastern Floodplain Forests”; • Tayfun Karadeniz, a junior computer science major of Myrtle Beach, presented “Analyzing Musical Structure: Can a Statistician Finish The Unfinished Symphony?”; • Amy Kaser, a freshman marine science major of Greer, presented “The Psychological Effects of the Holocaust on Ernest G. Lion as Depicted in his Autobiography The Fountain At The Crossroad Compared with the Effects on Other Survivors”; • Tamara Maher, a senior marine science major of Brentwood, Tenn., presented “Influence of Southeastern Climate on the Formation and Frequency of Gulf Stream Rings”; • Diana Miller, a senior biology major of Myrtle Beach, presented “Do Seaside Sparrows, Ammodramus maritimus, Show Extra-Pair Paternity?”; • William Miller, a junior philosophy and religion major of Loris, presented “Would Aristotle Approve of Affirmative Action?”; • Chandra Moesle, a senior English major of Canton, Ohio, presented “Women’s Education in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice”; • Jessica Porter, a senior health promotions major of Conway, and Michele Winstead, a senior health promotions major of Conway, presented “Factors Influencing High Blood Pressure Readings among College Students”; • Sheena Still, a sophomore marine science major of Conway, presented “Statistical Assessment of Student Performance in Introduction to Science at CCU”; • Gretchen Waggy, a junior marine science major of Franklin, W.Va., presented “Genetic Comparison of Ghost Crab (Ocypode quadrata) Populations on the East Coast of the United States”; • Lindsay Willis, a freshman undeclared major of Cincinnati, Ohio, presented “Comparing the Treatment of Two POWs and a Holocaust Victim”; and • John Wu, a junior computer science major of Myrtle Beach, and Marcus Wu, a junior computer science major of Myrtle Beach, presented “Parallel Clusters and Parallel Programming for the Serial Consumer.”