
Student Health Services addresses swine flu concern

April 27, 2009

The Centers for Disease Control has issued a Health Advisory to notify the public it is working with public health officials in California, Texas, Kansas, Ohio and New York investigating cases of febrile respiratory illnesses caused by swine influenza viruses. There have been no confirmed cases in South Carolina.

Here is some information from Coastal Carolina University's Student Health Services:

What is Swine Flu?

Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. Swine flu viruses do not normally infect humans; however, human infections with swine flu have occurred.

How is Swine Flu Transmitted?

* Contact with infected pigs or environments contaminated with swine flu viruses.

* Contact with a person infected with swine flu virus.

* Human to human transmission of swine flu is believed to be transmitted in same manner as seasonal flu.

* Coughing or sneezing of infected person.

What are Swine Flu Symptoms (similar to seasonal flu)?

* Fever, Cough, Sore Throat, Body Aches, Headache, Chills, Fatigue, Diarrhea, Vomiting

Good Health Habits for Prevention:

* Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

* Wash your hands often with soap and water.

* Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers to clean hands, if soap and water not available.

* Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

* Try to avoid close contact with sick people.

* If sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others.


* If you have traveled internationally, especially in Mexico, in the past 14 days please advise Student Health Services.

* If planning to travel you should ask your primary health care provider for prescription antiviral medications (Tamiflu or Relenza) to take on your trip, as a precaution since the seasonal influenza vaccine is not expected to protect against infection with swine flu viruses.

If you are experiencing flu like symptoms, please contact your primary health care provider. Students are advised to contact Student Health Services.