
Board of Trustees name officers

July 17, 2009

Coastal Carolina University's board of trustees elected officers today at its quarterly board meeting. The board re-elected William H. Alford as chairman and Samuel J. Swad as vice chairman for the 2009-2010 term. Samuel H. Frink was elected to the secretary/treasurer position.

The board approved tenure for Cheryl Ward, who will join the faculty Aug. 1 as marine archeologist in the Thomas W. and Robin W. College of Humanities and Fine Arts. The title Distinguished Professor Emeritus was conferred on four faculty members: Gilbert H. Hunt, Linda P. Hollandsworth, Peter C. Lecouras and Donald Millus (posthumously).

The board approved a motion to support the concept of a sophomore housing requirement, which would make on-campus residence compulsory for second-year, non-local students. The measure is being considered as a means to increase retention and improve student performance. Prior to implementation, University administration must ensure that adequate housing units are available to accommodate both a freshman and a sophomore housing requirement. The University established a freshman housing requirement in 2008.

The board also approved a motion to renew the annual lease for Charles L. Watson Baseball Stadium, the campus baseball facility, from the Coastal Educational Foundation for a nominal fee.