
'What's happened to the fish?' talk set for Aug. 18

August 12, 2009

"Was Mother Wrong? What's happened to all the fish in the sea?" will be the topic of a discussion led by environmentalist Leda Dunmire at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 18 at Coastal Carolina University's Waccamaw Higher Education Center in Litchfield. The event is free and open to the public.

The open conversation about ensuring a healthy ocean ecosystem is sponsored by the Coastal Carolina University Campus and Community Sustainability Initiative and the Pew Environment Group.

"Fish are fast disappearing from our coasts," says Dunmire, who is the outreach coordinator for the environmental group's campaign to end overfishing in the southeast. "Learn about the threats to fish and how healthy fish populations benefit our environment and economy. Discover why recent government actions put science at the heart of fisheries management and ways you can help ensure sustainable fish populations for future generations."

Dunmire earned a bachelor's degree in biology and ecology and a dual MBA and master's degree in global environmental policy from American University. The Waccamaw Higher Education Center is located off U.S. 17 at 160 Willbrook Boulevard behind the Hampton Inn in Litchfield.

For more information, call presenter Leda Dunmire at 305-393-0934.