
CCU wins best delegation at student legislature

November 13, 2012

Coastal Carolina University's student delegation has been recognized as the Best Large Delegation at the 2012 session of the South Carolina Student Legislature (SCSL). CCU's delegation has won this honor three of the last four years, this year beating delegations from Clemson and College of Charleston.

The 11 students who participated include: Kyle Cox, Ian Detweiler, Tamara Fogner, Bryant Lewis, Danielle McCrackin, Kevin McCray, Casey McKee, Kaitlin Paige, Brandon Reilly, Tennia Walker and Desmond Wallace.

Several CCU students also received awards for their individual performances. Desmond Wallace won the Carlisle Award, which is awarded to the delegate or officer who represents the ideals of the South Carolina Student Legislature. Danielle McCrackin won the Best Senator Award, which is given to the senator who shows himself or herself to be an accomplished speaker and conscientious statesman. Brandon Reilly won re-election as lieutenant governor. CCU was also awarded Best Written Brief. Nine out of 10 bills written by CCU student delegates were passed by the SCSL. Frederick Wood and Adam Chamberlain, both assistant professors of politics and geography at CCU, served as co-advisers to the delegation.

The SCSL is a student-run mock legislature sponsored by the S.C. General Assembly. Colleges and universities in South Carolina send delegations to two annual sessions to debate bills and further their knowledge of parliamentary procedures and state government.