
Big Read announces 2013-2014 book selection

March 6, 2013

"Start Something that Matters" by Blake Mycoskie has been chosen as the required summer reading for all incoming 2013-2014 freshmen by Coastal Carolina University's Big Read committee.

The novel will provide the focus for several activities for incoming freshmen during Welcome Week 2013 in August, including documentary film screenings, guest speakers, discussion panels and the celebration of World Sight Day.

"This book has a chance to encourage community service and entrepreneurship," says Brianne Parker, chair of the Big Read Committee. "We will also be able to incorporate the book into CCU's Quality Enhancement Plan," which encourages experiential student learning activities.

The Big Read program is designed to encourage cross-disciplinary dialogue among students, professors and the entire CCU community. In previous years, the book was required text for University 110: First-Year Experience classes. This year, professors will have the option of tying the book into their lesson plans.

Mycoskie is the founder of TOMS, a for-profit shoe company whose premise is "buy a pair, donate a pair." He applies the same model to "Start Something that Matters," with a new children's book being provided to a child in need through for every book purchased. In an open letter to readers, Mycoskie states, "I would say my goal is to influence other people to go out into the world and have a positive impact."

For more Big Read info, contact Parker at