
Coastal Carolina University graduates students in China

June 18, 2015

Diplomas were presented to seven graduates June 16 in Xiamen, China, by Coastal Carolina University President David DeCenzo and the leaders of their Chinese universities. The ceremony commemorated the students' completion of the demanding Sino-American Cooperation on Higher Education and Professional Development (CHEPD) 1+2+1 double-degree articulation program.

Students in this program completed all requirements to earn the undergraduate degrees from both their Chinese universities and from CCU. A total of 257 students from 58 Chinese universities and 18 U.S. public universities were eligible to participate in the CHEPD program graduation ceremony this year. Students graduating from CCU included:

- Jieru Rong (cum laude) -- management degree at CCU and Hainan University

- Jun Yang -- management degree at CCU and Hainan University

- Qingnan Zeng -- accounting degree at CCU and Gansu Agricultural University

- Kemeng Wang -- accounting degree at CCU and Gansu Agricultural University

- Yihong Wu -- biochemistry degree at CCU and Guangzhou University

- Fanxi Yang -- graphic design degree at CCU and Huaqiao University

- Xiqian Zhao -- graphic design degree at CCU and Southwest Jiaotong University

DeCenzo and Associate Provost Darla Domke-Damonte also addressed a gathering of presidents and senior administrators of Chinese and American universities at the ceremony. DeCenzo spoke about strategic global vision and quality services for student mobility as a part of a panel of university presidents from the U.S.A. and China. Domke-Damonte spoke about the philosophy of recognition related to experimental class programs to support student success and institutional persistence in such double-degree programs.

CCU was also presented a special award from the China Council for International Educational Exchange (CCIEE) and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) for its active participation in the CHEPD 1+2+1 Program at the meeting.

CCU has been a part of the Sino-American CHEPD 121 Program since 2009. For more information, please contact Domke-Damonte at 843-349-2129 or