
Film ‘Persepolis’ to be shown at CCU’s Coastal Theater

February 20, 2017

Coastal Carolina University's will present the animated film "Persepolis" as part of its international film series Crossing Borders on Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 5 p.m. in The Coastal Theater. The theater is located in the Lib Jackson Student Union building I Room A-110. This event is free and open to the public, and no ticket is required.

"Persepolis" (2007) is the story of a young girl's coming of age after the Islamic Revolution in Iran. It is based on Marjane Satrapi's autobiographical graphic novel of the same name, which was selected as a Big Read for CCU freshmen several years ago. The story follows Marji across borders when she is sent to a French school in Vienna, Austria. Marji finds herself in a different culture with abrasive characters and situations that deeply trouble her. The film highlights the universal nature of adolescence and similarities between the human experience in Iran and different parts of the world. The film is presented in French, Persian, German and English with English subtitles.

Elaine Berard, a teaching associate in CCU's Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies, will lead a discussion following the screening to provide historical context for the film. Berard has a bachelor's degree from the French University of North Carolina at Greensboro and a master's degree in French with a Spanish minor from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The Lib Jackson Student Union building is located at 106 Spadoni Park Circle on the main Conway campus. For more information, call Berard at 843-655-7319 or email