
Coastal Carolina University trustees approve two new master’s degree programs

October 27, 2017

At its regular meeting today, Coastal Carolina University's board of trustees approved the establishment of two new master's degree programs, the Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Physical Theatre and the Master of Arts in Applied Politics.

The proposed MFA program is a natural development of Coastal's BFA in physical theatre, the only program of its kind offered by an American university. The MFA program in physical theatre will continue and expand on CCU's partnership with the Accademia dell'Arte in Arezzo, Italy, where BFA students currently train for 14 weeks in a variety of applied physical performance methods.

The Master of Arts in Applied Politics will provide students with the skillset to work in government or for organizations that work closely with government to advocate on behalf of others. The program will offer a choice of two tracks: governing and advocacy. The program is being established in response to regional employment demand. Nearly 17 percent of South Carolina citizens are employed by government, according to the S.C. Department of Commerce. Nationally, nearly 23 million people are employed by government at the federal, state or local level, making government the largest employer in the country. Also, more than 1,300 nonprofit organizations are located in Horry and Georgetown counties.

As a component of the master's program in applied politics, CCU will add a nonpartisan polling center to collect survey data relating to elections and public policy issues. Based on best practices in the profession, the polling will produce data that can be referenced by news media and other interested organizations.

"The proposed master's degree in applied politics is possible only because of our robust Department of Politics at Coastal," said trustee Oran P. Smith, chairman of the board's Academic Affairs Committee. "It is a unique degree in South Carolina and demonstrates CCU's commitment to the betterment of our community through civic service."

Degree programs must be approved by the South Carolina Higher Education Commission and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) before being officially added to the University curriculum. CCU currently offers 21 graduate level programs, including one doctoral program.

The board approved a motion to offer distance learning courses during the winter break ("wintermester") at the in-state rate for undergraduate level courses beginning in the fall of 2018.

Five property lease agreements or renewals were approved by the board. The board also approved four amendments to the CCU Faculty Manual. The board approved distinguished professor emeritus status for retiring history professor Roy Talbert Jr. and emeritus status for retiring associate professor of education Cathy R. Jones.

The board approved the presentation of honorary degrees to S.C. Sen. Luke Rankin, Dr. Charles Sasser and Dr. Covia Stanley at the upcoming December commencement ceremony. Rankin will be the commencement speaker.

The board also received and accepted the institution's annual audit, prepared and presented by Cline Brandt Kocheower & Co., P.A. For the 10th consecutive year, CCU received a clean and unmodified opinion. The term "unmodified opinion" means that the institution's financial statements are fairly presented and are free of material misstatements. The auditor had no findings or adjustments to report.