
Video: Graduating seniors exhibit art, graphic design capstones in gallery

December 18, 2018
The Senior Exhibition takes place every semester prior to graduation in the Rebecca Randall Bryan Art Gallery.The students' work was on display for a week prior to graduation in the gallery.Yu Juo, a senior art studio major, sets up her display of snow globes.

The final project before graduation for Coastal Carolina University art studio and graphic design majors is a daunting one: a capstone that goes on display in the University art gallery.

Seniors work all semester -- some work for a year or more -- on the capstones, and seeing all that work on display in the gallery is an amazing feeling.

Projects included signage ideas for cruise ships, a display that combined snow globes with cigarette smoke, and a commentary piece on the consumption of social media.

The Rebecca Randall Bryan Art Gallery is the primary visual laboratory for the Department of Visual Arts at CCU dedicated to advancing the education of visual artists and cultivating the production, interpretation, and enjoyment of objects and images in society. The gallery operates in the service of society and its development and is free and open to the public.

Visit for more information.