
CCU has strong showing of faculty, students, alumni at Artfields

May 15, 2019
Artfields takes place in Lake City, S.C., annually.Professor Charles Clary and alumna Sara Farrington were both accepted into Artfields this year.An Artfields patron takes in Charles Clary's submission, which earned a Merit Award.

One of the most prestigious art shows and competitions in the Southeast -- Artfields -- is held each year, an hour away from campus in Lake City. It provides a great opportunity for those associated with the Department of Visual Arts at Coastal Carolina University to show their talents and abilities to a wider audience. It can also draw attention to what CCU is doing in the visual arts field.

Among the CCU representatives:

Charles Clary, assistant professor, visual arts

Maura Kenny, Professor Emeritus, visual arts

Brant Barrett, nontraditional student

Sara Farrington '09, alumna

Josh Knight '12, teaching associate, visual arts

Jeff Case, associate professor, visual arts

Treelee MacAnn, professor, visual arts