
Coastal Carolina University Lunch and Learn program to feature Mark Twain portrayal

October 8, 2002

George Frein of Furman University will portray Mark Twain as part of a Lunch and Learn series sponsored by Coastal Carolina University's School of Continuing Studies on Friday, Oct. 25 at noon in University Hall 228 on the Coastal campus. The cost is $19 for Lifelong Learning Society members and $25 for non-members. Reservations are required.

Frein, who is professor emeritus of philosophy and religion at the University of North Dakota and adjunct professor of religion at Furman University, calls his one-man performance "Mark Twain: Pilot on the Mississippi." His portrayal reveals both the humorous and the humane aspects of the great author.

"Mark Twain has been called 'the people's author,'" says Frein. "He is everybody's author, because he knew human nature from experience."

Following his talk, Frein as Twain will invite questions from the audience about the writer's experiences, travels, friends, etc. "I have opinions on tap and ready for delivery," says Frein, quoting Twain.

To make reservations, contact Coastal's School of Continuing Studies at 349-2665. For a listing of other upcoming events and lunch programs visit the School's Web site at