
Coastal offers courses on home computer business opportunities

October 25, 2002

Coastal Carolina University is offering two new courses in November designed to enable participants to start profitable businesses using their home computer. The cost of each course is $35 for members of Coastal's Lifelong Learning Society and $45 for non-members, plus a $3 dollar materials fee. Both courses will be taught by Steve Veltkamp, president of the Olympic Home Based Business Association.

- Start Your Own Webmaster Service Company
Thursday, Nov. 7 from 2 to 5 p.m. in University Hall, room 204

Small companies often do not have the resources to hire a full-time Web site manager (or Webmaster). This workshop will teach individuals the knowledge and skills needed to manage a company's Web site on a contractual basis. In a step-by-step process participants will learn how to check links, promote business online, install search engines and update content.

- Make Up To $75 An Hour Using Your Computer
Thursday, Nov. 7 from 6 to 9 p.m. in University Hall, room 225

This workshop will discuss how to develop business ideas including desktop publishing, graphic design, word processing, programming and Internet businesses. Learn how to successfully market your services and research your competition from your home computer. How to locate jobs online will also be discussed.

For more information please call the Division of Continuing Studies at (843) 349-2665 or visit the Web site at